May 26, 2024 • Pastor Scott Randlett • Colossians 4:2–6
There comes a time when time runs out. How do we make the most of the time we're given? We commit to living prayerfully, walking wisely, and speaking graciously.
A New Reality
May 19, 2024 • Pastor Scott Randlett • Colossians 3:1–10, Colossians 3:12–15
A new life = a new belief + a new behavior. What are the signs that Jesus Christ has changed your life? A new life looks to eternity, leaves the past, and lives with holiness.
Who's the Boss?
May 12, 2024 • Pastor Scott Randlett • Colossians 2:1–10, Colossians 2:20–23
It's time for the church to change its culture instead of being changed by its culture. A church that impacts its culture is united in love, confident in truth, firm in the faith, overflowing with thanks, and complete in Christ alone.
The One & Only
May 5, 2024 • Dr, Troy Temple • Colossians 1:15–23
Jesus is the One and Only in His relationship to the Father, to creation, to the Church, to the cross, and to each of us individually. He reveals God because He is God. He is the firstborn of all creation. He is the head of the body, the firstborn from the dead, and the preeminent One. He is the fullness of God, the One who reconciles all things to Himself and makes peace between us and God. He presents us blameless to the Father and sends us out with a great hope for the world.