
Can I Trust God? Can God Trust Me?

Part 11 - The Real Question of Hebrews 11 "Can God Trust Me?"

March 26, 2017 • Richard Fredericks, Ph.D.

Lord Acton hit the nail on the head: “Power corrupts…and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Moses was right in Deuteronomy 8, when he explained why the LORD often has to hold back from blessing us the way He desires: “You may well say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this prosperity for me… then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God!” Jesus never said: “Take up your mirror and follow Me.” We have finished our gallery of ordinary heroes who became extraordinary by their obedient trust in God and answered ‘yes’ to the question: Can God be trusted? In our last message in our series on Hebrews 11 we turn to the deeper issue: Can God trust me? What person can be trusted by God with meaningful or powerful gifts in her/his life?

Can I Trust God? Can God Trust Me?

March 19, 2017 • Richard Fredericks, Ph.D.

In comfortable, consumer-oriented North America, land of individualistic self-fulfillment and endless upward mobility, the Biblical perspective on suffering is out of sync. This weekend we will explore the “Why?” question in the lives of some of God’s greatest champions of faith, when He did not rescue them from suffering or hardship. Especially, of course, His Son. We will wrestle with making character and effectiveness in God’s Kingdom higher priorities than comfort and ease as life’s great goals. Read ahead in Hebrews 11:35-39 in preparation for our study of “When Faith doesn’t Stop Suffering.”

Can I Trust God? Can God Trust Me?

March 12, 2017 • Richard Fredericks, Ph.D.

Weakness. No one wants to be accused of it. No one wants to be in a position of weakness. Every culture honors its winners and sidelines its losers, exalts the strong and despises the weak. But not God. He despises our pride, not our weakness. He brings down the mighty from their high places and lifts up the humble. His specialty is turning those who are seen as weak into His most powerful servants by their trust in Him. This weekend we explore Hebrews 11:32-35 and a gallery of men and women whose "weakness was turned to strength" as they acted in obedience to the God.

Can I Trust God? Can God Trust Me?

March 5, 2017 • Raj Pillai

We continue our series this weekend by looking at one of the most unlikely heroes mentioned in Hebrews 11… Rahab, the pagan prostitute. The author of Hebrews turns the spotlight on the great twist and grand wonder of God working in the life of someone who radically trusts in Him. We will learn what happens when a person without hope (and without much of anything else) hears the message of God and responds boldly and obediently. There is a reason why her story is in the Bible, why she is honored and why her story can be our story too.