The generous are joyful. Less fearful. More grateful. It is a great truth of this counterintuitive kingdom we are a part of. Jesus said the more we give away, the more we blessings we have—that our life does not consist (despite 10,000 adds) in the abundance of things possessed, but in the depth of our relationships, especially with the God who “so loved the world that He gave…” Our goal is to be more like the God of the Cross and less like Satan, who is utterly wrapped up in himself and his own ego (see Isaiah 14:12-15). So join me as we explore the wisdom of Proverbs on the use of God’s resources in our lives and explore the truth that our resources are truly renewable and life-giving when we live as rivers, not reservoirs, for: “The generous will themselves be blessed” (Proverbs 22:9).
WISDOM: Renewable Resources – God's Grace and Money
July 25, 2021 • Richard Fredericks, Ph.D.
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