
The Journey of a Dreamer

The Journey of a Dreamer

August 9, 2020 • Reverend James P. Broughton, III

Text: Genesis 37:1-5
Dare: to have the necessary courage or boldness for something;
Dreams often portray events which are impossible, or unlikely in reality, and are usually outside of the control of the dreamer.
BACKGROUND| The power of a dream and its conflict with business as usual
BIG IDEA| God is still at work in the lives of His people to impact the world!
COMPLICATION| The ways of God are at work, regardless of human attitudes or actions.
DISCUSSION: How has dreams affected your walk with God? How can a dream motivate you to deal with contemporary issues?
• Dreamers develop an attitude that produces energy—cf. Langston Hughes “A Dream Deferred”
• Dreamers have a sense of purpose & meaning to our lives
• Dreams reveal Potential that must be shaped into Promise!
• Dreams have the power to set us on a transformational journey from isolation to formation.
• Dreams are the unsettling work of the Lord upon which everything depends!
• God’s dream in you will cause you to prevail over any circumstance and the plans of the enemy!