We have multiple ways that you can share your prayer requests!
When you share your prayer request, please include the following:
Your name, your contact information, your prayer request, where you want the prayer shared.
Options include
A: Prayer Ministry Leaders Only
B: Prayer Ministry Team (includes those who pray on Tuesdays)
C: Prayer Ministry Team & Deacons
D: The Damascus Family (request will be sent via email, & prayed for during Tuesday Night prayer, Sunday morning prayer & during worship service altar prayer)
Ways to send your prayer requests:
1. Join us on Tuesday Nights on Zoom. Find the link at https://subspla.sh/8f9gxr9
2. Join us on Sundays in the sanctuary @ 10:00am
3. Pray with us online on Sundays before and/or during worship service at https://difseattle.online.church
4. Email us at prayer@difseattle.org
5. Leave a voice message at 206.725.9310
6. Contact your Deacon (DIF members, don't know who your Deacon is? Ask Deacon Taylor at churchoffice@difseattle.org)
7. Use the DIF website. Look for the Prayer Request Form at https://www.difseattle.org/prayer-request/
8. Pray together in the Prayer Group Chat. Create an account or sign in at https://messaging.subsplash.com/8K9MDQ/auth then join us in the group called Church-Wide Prayer