
Daniel 4:1-37

Questions and Ideas to review Daniel 4:1-37

February 9, 2020

Is my heart filled with pride or is my heart filled with praise? Which of those two things come out of my life?

Am I the lead character in my life or is it Jesus?

Who or what is the most high in your life? Is that God? If not, how do we make it God?

Matthew 7:7-12

July 19, 2020

What am I pursuing Jesus about today? What of my basic needs do I need to seek God out for today? How is your relationship with Jesus today?

Matthew 7:1-6

July 12, 2020

Do I know when I have a judgemental attitude? Do I recognize my blind spots? Is there anyone in my life that helps me identify my blind spots? How do I know if I am being judgemental? Check my motives? How deep is my well with Jesus today? Am I quick to listen, slow speak, and slow to anger? Am I speaking the truth in love?

Matthew 6:25-34

July 5, 2020

PASSAGE: Matthew 6:25-34 Is there something in my life that is dividing me or strangling me that is not from God? Who or what am I seeking or chasing in my life today?