
Sermon Questions: Daniel 2:24-49

Questions and Ideas to review Daniel 2:24-49

January 26, 2020

Do we tell the truth even when it doesn't make us look good?

Am I building my own kingdom?

Where in my life do I need to let God transform me?
Who in my life needs to hear that transformation story?

Matthew 7:7-12

July 19, 2020

What am I pursuing Jesus about today? What of my basic needs do I need to seek God out for today? How is your relationship with Jesus today?

Matthew 7:1-6

July 12, 2020

Do I know when I have a judgemental attitude? Do I recognize my blind spots? Is there anyone in my life that helps me identify my blind spots? How do I know if I am being judgemental? Check my motives? How deep is my well with Jesus today? Am I quick to listen, slow speak, and slow to anger? Am I speaking the truth in love?

Matthew 6:25-34

July 5, 2020

PASSAGE: Matthew 6:25-34 Is there something in my life that is dividing me or strangling me that is not from God? Who or what am I seeking or chasing in my life today?