
Exodus Revisited

May 16, 2021 • Mike Bullmore

Sermon Application Questions:

1. Why does God have the writer of Psalm 105 rewrite the events he’s already had Moses record in the book of Exodus? What does the fact that this psalm was written 400 years after Exodus say about its usefulness for us living so many years after the Exodus?

2. How does that saying, “The way to build trust in a relationship is to make promises and keep them” strike you? Do you think it is true? Does it help you in your appreciation of God or does it seem like it doesn’t really apply?

3. What promises that God has made are most precious to you and would be most devastating to you if God did not “remember”? What accounts of God’s remembering in the past do you need to “remember” (v. 5) that will help you trust him now?

More from Exodus!