
Closed Mind, Open Mouth

July 12, 2020 • Mike Bullmore

Sermon Application Questions

1. Can you think of a time you were more concerned about “expressing your own opinion” than “taking pleasure in understanding” someone else? What was the effect of that?

2. Which of the four characteristics laid out in the message—self-restraint, understanding, humility, and love—was most compelling to you? What is it about that characteristic that makes you want it?

3. Which of those four characteristics is most in need of development in your life? Is there a proverb that comes to mind that might help you focus on this need?

4. Think about how you see these characteristics show up in Jesus’ life. How does seeing those things in him affect your love for him?

Above All Else, Guard Your Heart

September 6, 2020 • Mike Bullmore

Sermon Application Questions 1. The meaning of Proverbs 27:19 is not immediately clear. How do you initially respond to the second part of that verse? 2. Do you feel like you are aware, on a regular basis, of how important what is going on in your heart is? What might keep you from being attentive to your heart? 3. At the end of the message, three lines of pastoral counsel were given: 1) We guard our hearts by guarding what we take in. 2) We guard our hearts by guarding what we dwell on. 3) We guard our hearts by how we choose to act. Which one of those felt most pertinent to your present Christian walk?

Strength and the Vulnerable

August 23, 2020 • Josh Mathews

Sermon Application Questions 1. What does strength and vulnerability look like in Proverbs 31:8-9? 2. Where do you sense strength in your life right now? Where do you sense vulnerability? 3. If you're a follower of Jesus, how do you remember what God has done for you? 4. What would/does it look like for you to practice proximate care?

Freedom in Repentance

August 16, 2020 • Ryan Fultz

Sermon Application Questions 1. Is there anyone in your life that models repentance well? What does it look like? 2. Are there any areas in your life that you need to be quicker to confess when you sin (to God and others)? 1. How do you think the gospel can help keep us from both wallowing in sin and concealing sin?