
2024 Dad Camp

For dad's and kids (potty-trained to high school grads)

August 2, 3:00pm - August 3, 2024 3:00pm

Dad Camp is an annual retreat designed to help raise up the next generation under the blessing of their fathers. A father’s blessing is wind in their children’s sails, courage in their spine, and confidence in their vision. It’s what Jesus received from his Father at his baptism—This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!—just before he was sent out on his life’s mission in which he would face constant dangers and temptations, challenges and conflicts. In all the questions and confrontations about his identity as the Son of God, he never forgot Who he was, because he always remembered Whose he was. As fathers, it is our responsibility to follow the example of Our Father in heaven. Every time they hear or think about God as Father, we will be their first point of reference for what that means.

Dad Camp is designed to help dads become more intentional about shaping that reference point in their kids minds and memories, so that they will always remember who they are and Whose they are, beloved children of their Father in heaven, because they had fathers on earth who made sure they knew it, fathers who took the time to tell them.