
Life Apps

Encouragement App

November 11, 2018 • Pastor Adam Steinbock

Apps are powerful tools that unlock the potential of a smartphone to make life easier. But what if we could tap into God’s apps for the ability to live out the life he calls us to? Today we conclude our series, Life Apps, with a powerful app to defeat our selfishness and transform our churches.

Unity App

November 4, 2018 • Pastor JR Lindsay

We all have our favorite technology apps that make life easier. And yet the apps we need most aren’t found on our phones. They’re apps found in the Bible that address our deep need for rich relationships. Today we continue with part 4 our series Life Apps, as we talk about how to handle conflict when it comes up. Today, we’ll see how the Unity App gives us a blueprint for how to resolve conflict the way God commands us to so we can enjoy relationships the way God intended.

Missional App

October 28, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Jaeger

We all have our favorite technology apps that make life easier. And yet the apps we need most aren’t found on our phones. They’re apps found in the Bible that address our deep need for rich relationships. Today we continue with part 3 our series Life Apps, as we talk about how the Missional App not only changes the way we think about relationships, but can also help lead us to the most rewarding relationships found in this life.

A Risky App

October 21, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Jaeger

Thousands of apps can show you the score, where to shop, or help you count your steps. And yet the apps we need most aren’t found on our phones. They are apps found in the Bible which if utilized, can produce life-giving relationships in our lives. Today we continue with part 2 our series Life Apps, as we talk about the need to download a very risky relationship app – the vulnerability app.

Application is Everything

October 14, 2018 • Pastor Adam Steinbock

Thousands of apps can show you the score, where to shop, or help you count your steps. But what if an app could improve your friendships, change your marriage and bring you closer to God? Join us as we kick off our new series Life Apps, as we discover the biblical “apps” to help us improve our lives and relationships.