
Financial Margin


February 11, 2018 • Pastor JR Lindsay

We live in a culture that defines being rich as having the most money and the most things - no matter what it takes! But the bible defines being rich very differently. As we continue in our Margin series, today in part 2 we’re going to discover how to have financial margin, so we can invest in the things that matter the most.

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Moral Margin

February 25, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Jaeger

We often see temptation as simply a spiritual challenge to be conquered, but God desires us to see it instead as a spiritual trap to be avoided. As we conclude with part 4 of our Margin series, we discover what moral margin is, and why it’s God’s answer for avoiding the spiritual traps that can bring about pain and devastation in our lives.

Time Margin

February 18, 2018 • Pastor Nick Stanislowski

Do you ever wish you had more time? More time for you. More time for your marriage. More time for your kids. More time to rest. Today, in part 3 of our Margin series, we’re going to discover why having more time, isn’t what we need.

Margin Matters

February 4, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Jaeger

We live in a culture that pushes us to the limits – buy more, do more, accomplish more - no matter what it takes! But what’s the cost of buying into that way of living? Today as we kick off part 1 of our Margin series, we’re going to discover why our culture’s way is not God’s best for us, and why building a little margin into our lives is actually the pathway to better enjoy and live the life God desires for us.