
What's Wrong With People

Why Do We Worry So Much?

May 7, 2023 • Andy George

Stress, worry, and anxiety often stem from fear and uncertainty about the future. When we don't know what lies ahead, we may feel powerless and overwhelmed. In his sermon, "Why Do We Worry So Much?" Senior Pastor Andy George encourages us to not focus on our fears, but on the loving God who is in control and who promises to care for us.

Why Are People So Selfish?

April 30, 2023 • Lee Thomas

In a society fixated on social media, it's easy to get caught up in comparing your own life to everyone else. Do you spend your time judging others or feeling like you are always falling short? In his sermon, "Why Are People So SELFISH?" Small Groups Pastor Lee Thomas discusses what God values in us and how He examines a person's heart beyond words and actions.  

Why Are People So Angry?

April 23, 2023 • Ken Hester

Every week there are people tuning in from all over the world to worship God and connect with our online community. Be sure to introduce yourself in the chat and let us know where you are joining us from! It seems like everyone is mad about something... and, to be honest, there's a lot of things wrong in the world. While it is not wrong to be angry, it's what you do with that anger that often causes issues. In his sermon, "Why Are People So ANGRY?” Pastor Ken Hester explains the difference between allowing anger to have control in your life versus how to choose to live in hope and joy instead.

Why Are We So Offended?

April 16, 2023 • Andy George

Why is everyone so easily offended these days? When someone gets offended, it can quickly become a fast track to bitterness and broken relationships. But it doesn't have to be this way! In his sermon, "Why Are We So Offended?” Senior Pastor Andy George offers hope and the biblical answer to breaking the cycle of offense so that we can live in freedom, healing and love. #crossroadsfellowship #raleighnc #offended #healing #freedom #forgiveness #Jesus #godslove #church #churchonline