
Don't 'Go' to Church

October 8, 2023

The people and things that inspire you are who you tend to emulate. Whether you realize it or not, your actions also inspire others to follow your example. In his sermon, "Don't 'Go' to Church," Pastor Ken Hester looks at inspiration from the Apostle Paul in Colossians and encourages us to not merely go to church, but to actually "BE" the church. Jesus set the example we can follow so that your life can be the inspiration for others to see and feel the hope of God's love. 


#crossroadsfellowship #raleighnc #inspired #church #hope #unity #godslove #church #churchonline 

You're on the Winning Team!

October 1, 2023 • Andy George

"A house divided against itself, cannot stand." Yes, President Abraham Lincoln is known for uttering those passionate words, but they were first spoken by Jesus in Matthew 12. In his sermon, "You're on the Winning Team!" Senior Pastor Andy George looks at how Jesus encouraged and prayed for UNITY among believers. We need each other to thrive and be effective in sharing the love and hope of Christ and fulfilling His mission.   #crossroadsfellowship #raleighnc #inspired #team #hope #unity #godslove #church #churchonline

Golden Apples in Silver Bowls: The Power of Words

September 24, 2023 • Andy George

Your words hold great power. Words can uplift and encourage others, or they can wound and cause great damage. In his sermon, "Golden Apples in Silver Bowls: The Power of Words," Senior Pastor Andy George explores the rich wisdom of the book of Proverbs and how our words can reflect the beauty and wisdom of God. Discover how your words can speak life, truth and hope into the world around you.   #crossroadsfellowship #raleighnc #inspired #words #hope #truth #godslove #church #churchonline