
What is my purpose?

September 11, 2021 • Andy George

Everyone is searching for something. What are you searching for that would make a huge impact in your life?

Many people have embraced a postmodern way of thinking. Postmodernism denies the existence of any ultimate principles. It takes away the idea of there being any scientific, philosophical, or religious truth, or any moral code of conduct. Living in a world of no absolutes has a devastating effect. People are left feeling adrift and desperately searching. What is right or wrong? What is my purpose? What is truth? What is the point?

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How do I know God exists?

September 11, 2021 • Andy George

Everyone is searching for something. What are you searching for that would make a huge impact in your life? Life so often turns out very differently than what you imagined it would be. Disappointments, unmet dreams, and even the daily challenges you face can lead to tremendous doubts. At times, the idea of a loving Heavenly Father seems like an abstract concept or merely a childhood story. How can you even know if God exists?

Who am I?

September 11, 2021 • Andy George

Everyone is searching for something. What are you searching for that would make a huge impact in your life? Who are you? We are often asked to introduce ourselves, give our name and an explanation of who we are. How do you identify yourself? Are you a student, a business owner, an American, a dad or an athlete? What determines "who" you are? Do you ever question it? In our searching, each of us also longs to know "Who am I?"

Where can I find hope?

September 11, 2021 • Andy George

Everyone is searching for something. What are you searching for that would make a huge impact in your life? Do you find yourself plodding along, day after day, just going through the motions? Deep down inside you know you were created for more than just merely existing, but where can you find more to life? Where can you find hope? Or love? Or peace? Does God give us a map and directions?