You can learn a lot about someone by the questions that they ask.
Why Have You Forsaken Me?
June 12, 2022 • Cameron Woodring • Mark 15, Psalm 22
When trials are overwhelming and loneliness combine you may find yourself asking a similar question to Jesus. But his question was just the beginning to an old prayer that he did not have the strength to finish. We finish it and find that even in these tough times, God is working and God is winning.
Do You Want To Leave As Well?
June 5, 2022 • Cameron Woodring • John 6, John 21
Thousands of Jesus' disciples walk away from him, and he turns to his disciples and asks a question that tells us a few things about him:
1) Jesus isn't interested in a crowd.
2) Jesus won't force you to stay.
3) Jesus values a decision.
And so every day and every moment we have to answer the question, "Do you want to follow me or do you want to leave as well?"
Why Are You Afraid?
May 29, 2022 • Kyle Anderson • Matthew 14:22–33, Matthew 8:23–27
We fear a lot of silly things, but maybe it is silly to fear at all if Jesus is truly the Son of God.
Don't Even The Pagans Do That?
May 22, 2022 • Randy Gariss • Matthew 5, 1 John 4
Guest Preacher Randy Gariss
Jesus raises the bar in every area.
Whose Image Is On It?
May 15, 2022 • Cameron Woodring • Matthew 22, Genesis 1:26–27
This Familee Sunday, we talked about taxes!http://....and the image upon the coin. When people tried to trip Jesus us with a tax question, he responded with an identity question.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's.
What Are You Seeking?
Cameron Woodring • John 1, John 6
In Scripture, people seek Jesus for all sorts of reasons: food, healing, wine, to kill him, to worship him, to trap him, and more. Why are you seeking him?
Why Are You Anxious?
May 1, 2022 • Cameron Woodring • Matthew 6
Look at God's track record when it comes to things that are less valuable than http://you....he's got you!
Where Are They?
April 24, 2022 • Cameron Woodring • John 8, 1 Timothy 1:15–16
When some religious elite dragged a woman caught in adultery in front of Jesus, Jesus stuns the woman, the religious and the crowd with a statement and a couple of questions.
The closer you get to Jesus - the more guilty you realize you are.
The closer you get to Jesus - the more His voice alone matters.
The closer you get to Jesus - the more loved and accepted you realize you are.
The closer you get to Jesus - the more with Him and less with the world you want to be.