
Voices of Christmas

Voice of Adoration

December 23, 2018 • Richie Nobles

Christmas is upon us. The season is all too busy. Today we slow down and focus on the wise men, their journey to the child-king and the gifts they brought. We are challenged today to recognize the gifts we bring to Him. Are we looking for him?

Voice of Worry vs Wonder

December 9, 2018 • Richie Nobles

Today, we listen carefully to various "voices" that tend to be loud during this time of year. Worry is a common thread that needs to be addressed however Wonder is a place where you can settle. We trust you are open to what God wants to do through the message today. What voices are you listening to?

Voice of Disbelief vs Blessing

December 2, 2018 • Richie Nobles

Today, we listen carefully to various "voices" that tend to be loud during this time of year. Disbelief is a common thread that needs to be addressed and Blessing needs to be released. We trust you are open to what God wants to do through the message today. What voices are you listening to?