
SUMMER: Week 5 | "Suffering People are Worth Fighting For" | Pastor Paul Richardson

July 10, 2022 • Paul Richardson

This message is from Summer Week 5: "Suffering People are Worth Fighting For"

Suffering People Are Worth Fighting For
We believe our God is a God of compassion. Throughout the Gospels, we see proof of this in Jesus who did for others what they could not do for themselves (Matt. 9:36, Mark 1:41, Luke 7:13). Therefore, we will be a people of compassion, defending and suffering with the hurting, harassed, and helpless. We will feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite in the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, and care for the sick (Matt. 25:35-36). We will do justice, love kindness, and fight for those who have no voice.

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SUMMER: Week 9 | "The Cost of Discipleship" | Pastor James Griffin

August 7, 2022 • James Griffin,

This message is from our "Summer" series: "The Cost of Discipleship" STAY CONNECTED: Twitter: https://bit.ly/2xtod4r Facebook: https://bit.ly/3ja3tcq Instagram: https://bit.ly/3jebfq2v

SUMMER: Week 8 | "Giving Changes People" | Ryan Britt

July 31, 2022 • Ryan Britt

This message is from week 8 of our SUMMER series: "Giving Changes People" We believe our God is a generous God. He is a giver, not a taker and the ultimate proof of this is found in Jesus (2 Corinthians 8:9). Since we are called to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1), we must be givers, not takers so that his generous nature is seen in us. Therefore we will be a people of sacrifice and generosity believing that as we give, lives will be changed—both our lives as givers and the lives of those who receive. STAY CONNECTED: Twitter: https://bit.ly/2xtod4r Facebook: https://bit.ly/3ja3tcq Instagram: https://bit.ly/3jebfq2v

SUMMER: Week 7 | "Service, Not Status, Determines Greatness" | Brad Chandler

July 24, 2022 • Brad Chandler

This message is from week 7 of our SUMMER series: "Service, Not Status, Determines Greatness" We believe our God is a God of humility. The evidence is seen most clearly in Jesus who came to our world not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He emptied himself and died an obedient death to buy us back to God (Phil. 2:7-8). Therefore, we will be a people of humble service. We will think of ourselves as Christ thought of himself, putting the needs of others before our own (Phil. 2:3-5). We will not seek greatness through self-promotion or exaltation but will measure greatness by humility and self-sacrifice (Mark 10:43-44, Matt. 23:11-12). STAY CONNECTED: Twitter: https://bit.ly/2xtod4r Facebook: https://bit.ly/3ja3tcq Instagram: https://bit.ly/3jebfq2v