
SUMMER: Week 6 | "We're All in Full Time Ministry" | Carlos Fernandez

July 17, 2022 • Carlos Fernandez

This message is from week 6 of our SUMMER series: "We’re All In Full Time Ministry"

We believe our God is a sending God. He sent his Son to save us and his Spirit to empower us (John 20:21-22; 14:16), and he now sends us into the world to carry out his mission (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). This means the work of full time ministry is not reserved for a few paid professionals, but for every follower of Jesus. We’ve all been given the responsibility of doing priestly work, acting and speaking on God’s behalf (1 Peter 2:9-10). Therefore, we will live as sent people, going and naming Jesus in dark places where he’s desperately needed.

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