
Closer Day 7

January 20, 2024

Read: Read Psalm 35:11-28

Malicious witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I do not know.12 They repay me evil for good; my soul is bereft. 13 But I, when they were sick— I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting; I prayed with head bowed on my chest.14 I went about as though I grieved for my friend or my brother; as one who laments his mother, I bowed down in mourning.15 But at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered; they gathered together against me; wretches whom I did not know tore at me without ceasing;16 like profane mockers at a feast, they gnash at me with their teeth.17 How long, O Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their destruction, my precious life from the lions!

18 I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you.

19 Let not those rejoice over me who are wrongfully my foes, and let not those wink the eye who hate me without cause.20 For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit.21 They open wide their mouths against me; they say, “Aha, Aha! Our eyes have seen it!”22 You have seen, O Lord; be not silent! O Lord, be not far from me!23 Awake and rouse yourself for my vindication, for my cause, my God and my Lord!24 Vindicate me, O Lord, my God, according to your righteousness,

and let them not rejoice over me!25 Let them not say in their hearts, “Aha, our heart's desire!” Let them not say, “We have swallowed him up.”26 Let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether who rejoice at my calamity! Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me!27 Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant!”28 Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.



In the remainder of Psalm 35, David continues calling out to God as he remembers fasting, praying, and lamenting for those who were now attacking him. David had been merciful, compassionate, and caring. He had treated them well during their adversity, and now that David was experiencing adversity, these people repaid his kindness with evil. In the midst of his pain, David didn’t retaliate. Instead, he continued asking God to fight for him, to vindicate him in the presence of his enemies. He asked God to expose their evil deeds and put them to shame. David isn’t asking God to be a vigilante; he’s asking God to set things right. As a result, the righteousness of God is revealed, he would be restored, and the Lord’s name would be praised.  

It’s not hard to identify with David. Have you ever shown kindness and mercy towards someone only to have them treat you poorly in return? Have you ever had a friend betray you? Have you ever felt hated without cause or been shamed in a moment of weakness or adversity? In this Psalm, David prays for God to fight for him. He prays for his enemies to be exposed and put to shame. He prays to be vindicated before his enemies and praises the Lord because he knows God will come through. This is exactly how we should respond as well. We love our enemies, we pray for them, we pray for God to fight for us, and we trust Him to set things right. 

This is a picture of the Gospel. Jesus was repaid evil for kindness. He was hated without cause. He was even betrayed by those closest to Him. However, He didn’t retaliate but demonstrated perfect love on the Cross. He fought for us, and through His death and resurrection, Jesus was vindicated before His accusers and vindicates all who believe. 



Pray for the Holy Spirit gives eyes to see the God who fights for you. Pray for a heart to love your enemies and pray for them. Pray for the Lord to expose the evil of those who attack you for your faith and that they would encounter the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ.