
I'm Good

I'm Good

October 11, 2020

Trying to go it on our own is tough. We just simply weren’t created to live this life alone. We need people to surround us and keep us sharp. When we get into circles rather than rows, something incredible happens. We grow and experience a richness to life that only comes from being planted in community. In this message, Tom shares how life in groups is better than life alone.

I'm Good

Trying to go it on our own is tough. We just simply weren’t created to live this life alone. We need people to surround us and keep us sharp. When we get into circles rather than rows, something incredible happens. We grow and experience a richness to life that only comes from being planted in community. In this message, Tom shares how life in groups is better than life alone.

I'm Good

October 4, 2020

I'm Good

October 4, 2020