
21 Days of Prayer

Prayed up and Protected

January 17, 2021 • Tom Allen

Have you ever decided to do something new? Whether it was moving somewhere new or starting a new job, it usually requires us stepping into an unknown place. In this last message of 21 Days of Prayer, Tom takes us back to the prayer of Jabez one more time and reveals to us why we need protection as God expands our territory.

21 Days of Prayer

January 10, 2021 • Tom Allen

Throughout the bible, we see God doing amazing things like parting seas, healing the paralyzed, stopping the sun from moving, and so much more, but what do those miracles have to do with our prayer life? In this message, Tom revisits the story of Jabez and the power of praying uncomfortable prayers.

21 Days of Prayer

January 3, 2021 • Tom Allen

Prayer is a powerful thing. Not only does it change lives, it changes legacies. What will your legacy be? How are your prayers affecting that legacy? In this message, Tom tells Jabez's story and how prayer changed his legacy.