
Perfect Witnesses

June 16, 2019 • Pastor Blake Wilson

This message starts the beginning of a new series, the Perfect Church. Most of us would say that there is no such thing of a perfect church because it’s full of imperfect people. With all these imperfections how can anyone be a part of a perfect church? The word perfect does not mean any errors, but to go through the necessary stages God is calling us to in order to reach the end goal.

Perfect People

June 30, 2019 • Pastor Blake Wilson

In our third and final message of our series The Perfect Church, Pastor Blake teaches from the book of Acts. God was continuing to signs and wonders through the apostles and this week we focus on Philip. He went from a disciple who was learning and following Jesus to someone who was performing miracles like Jesus. Though imperfect God was perfecting him to reach more people.

Perfect Signs

June 23, 2019 • Pastor Blake Wilson

As we continue in our series called The Perfect Church for the 2nd week, Pastor Blake teaches from the book of Acts about the signs and wonders which occurred in the early church through the apostles. These were signs which showed God was with them in the work of ministry. What signs show up in your life?