
The Fallout & Putout of the First Family

February 19, 2012 • Pastor Blake Wilson

The Faith, Family, Finances and Future series continues as we move forward with the family section of the 4Fs. Pastor Blake teaches from Genesis 3:8-24 and speaks about how the first family fell, but God set it up to defeat the serpent (Satan) in the end.

Jesus on Family - Who's Really In My Family?

June 10, 2012 • Pastor Blake Wilson

With the final message in the family section of the 4Fs series (Faith, Family, Finances & Future) Pastor Blake teaches from the book of Matthew on what Jesus said about family. True family members are those that listen to the Word of God and do what the Word of God says.

Family Legacy: Like Father Like Son

May 27, 2012 • Pastor Blake Wilson

As we continue through the 4F series Pastor Blake teaches on 1st Kings 2:1-4, Proverbs 1:1 on how a father's life can teach his son both the good and the bad. Parents are a visual bible, so what does your life say about what your children are learning?

The Believing Family

May 20, 2012 • Pastor Blake Wilson

As the Family section of the 4 Fs continues we move forward in focusing on what belief and faith in Jesus Christ did in the life of Father whose son was sick. Pastor Blake teaches from John 4:46-54 about when Jesus healed the Noblemen's son. Today was a big day for Crossover as the Holy Spirit moved when a father gave a testimony about how God was delivering his son. The spoken testimony lines up with what God has spoken in scripture.