
Walk Worthy

Get Your Weight Up

August 13, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson

This Sunday we focus on the vision that God has laid out specifically for Crossover Bible Fellowship Church. We look at Ephesians 4:1 and how God wants believers to walk in a manner equal to their calling.

Transformed Christians, Transformed Community

January 7, 2018 • Pastor Blake Wilson

This Sunday is the first Sunday of a new year. Pastor Blake teaches from Acts 18 about how Paul had a vision and God protected him until the vision came to past. When God gives you a vision it doesn’t just benefit you it is for the benefit of others. Wilson also uses this sermon to reveal the 2018 vision for Crossover.

I Like this Church

August 20, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson

This Sunday we look in the book of Acts at how the early church functioned and how the church should still function today. The church was on one accord, performing miracles, healing the sick, acting as the hands of God and people believed in the Gospel.

Who We Are and What We Do

December 6, 2015 • Pastor Blake Wilson

This Sunday at Crossover we look at the Vision God is calling us to for 2016. God has strategically and purposely placed us in a community on the Northwest side of Houston but we have to ask ourselves are we reaching the community. Pastor Blake teaches on being salt and light of the world and the plans for 2016 for Crossover.