
I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life

Second Advent

December 9, 2018 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel

In our second week of Advent, Pastor Matthias teaches on John 14 on Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well and our encounter with Jesus.

CG Questions: Advent
I Am The Way, The Truth & The Life - Week 2:


-Of the two people we studied on Sunday, Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, which one do you relate with and why?

-Samar felt unworthy because of her sin. Do you ever feel like Samar? Do you ever feel that your sin keeps you from Jesus?

-Nicodemus knew it all but still couldn't see Jesus, the savior. Are there places in your life where this is true for you? (this is a good time to have a spouse or friend speak into your life)

-The Pharisees not only maintained the Mosaic law but even added their own. Have you ever added to God's law? Have you ever expected more from someone than God?

-How is the encounter with the woman at the well different than Nicodemus? How are they alike?

-How does the Gospel speak to both of these lives? Where can we take encouragement for it?

-What is significant about how Jesus interacts with these two people? How does Jesus treat them?

-What does Jesus mean when he calls the two to believe?

-As Christians, what can we celebrate as we read these passages?

John 14:6, John 20:30-31, John 3:12-15, John 4:21; 39-42, John 3:16-18

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