
Biblical Relationships


March 17, 2019 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel

In our fourth and final week in Biblical Relationships, Pastor Matthias closes out our series with a sermon on Friendship. CG Questions: Biblical Relationships Week 4 - Friendships Questions: Who was/is one of your closest friends? What makes that friendship so special?  Why do you think loneliness is so prevalent in our culture today? What makes a great friend? What makes a bad friend? In your life, what are the greatest barriers to deep friendships? In light of the biblical perspective on friendship, how do we differentiate between close friends and others? Is anything different? In what ways can you be a better friend to those around you? Do you reflect the kind of friend that you desire in your own life? Can you give some examples? Is there forgiveness you need to extend to a friend or forgiveness you need to ask for from a friend? If so, what is holding you back? How have sin and brokenness caused damage to friendships in your life? Has this kept you from being willing to make new friends? If so, is this a problem? Scripture: John 15:12-17, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs18:24, Proverbs 25:17, Proverbs 25:20, Proverbs 27:14, Proverbs 27:5-6, Proverbs 27:17 Notes, Quotes, and Slides: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” - C.S. Lewis

Sermon Extras - Parenting

March 10, 2019 • Pastor Simon & Pastor Matthias

Pastor Simon and Pastor Matthias spend a few minutes discussing more content from this week's sermon on Parenting. In this episode, we continue to learn that we have a Good Father who loves us and confirms our identity in him!

Parents & Children

March 10, 2019 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Pastor Matthias preaches on Parents & Children in our third week on Biblical Relationships. CG Questions: Biblical Relationships Week 3 - Parents and Children Questions: -What can we learn from being children? What can we learn from having children? From this weeks sermon, what passage was convicting for you? What are you going to do with that conviction? -How do we image God as children? (Even/especially as adult children) What passages in scripture provide support or examples?  -How do we image God as parents? What passages in scripture provide support or examples? -When you think of God as your father, does it bring you comfort or is it hard for you to see him this way? If it’s hard, why? If it brings you comfort, how? -Are you discouraging or do you provoke your children? If so how do you do this and what can you do differently to encourage them? Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4 WE HAVE A GOOD FATHER Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:31-32, 1 John 3:1, Galatians 4:4-7 Notes, Quotes, and Slides: "Relationships succeed when an awareness of God and a connectivity to God are uppermost in our thinking.” God has given you value! No human relationship, no matter how beautiful, satisfying or meaningful can or should provide that value.

Sermon Extras - Marriage

March 4, 2019 • Pastor Simon & Pastor Adam

Pastor Simon and Pastor Adam spend a few minutes working through the extra content from today's sermon on Marriage.


March 3, 2019 • Pastor Adam Christiansen

Pastor Adam Christiansen continues our 4-week series on Biblical Relationships with a sermon on Marriage. CG Questions: Week 2 Biblical Relationships - Marriage Questions: -Growing up, what kind of marriage(s) did you observe? How do you think that has impacted you and how you think about Biblical Marriage because of what was modeled to you? -If the purpose of marriage is to show the world what God is like, what should you and the world be observing about God in the marriages around you? -Why is it so hard to show grace to your spouse, compared with showing grace to an acquaintance, coworker, or someone you just met? -Be honest: Why did you get married? Why do you want to get married? Why do you NOT want to get married? How do these desires line up with scripture and the purposes of marriage described in the Bible? -Why is selflessness key to marriage? Where have we failed to do this to our spouse, or to those closest to us? -If you are married, what are your fears as you move forward in your marriage? If you are not married, what are your fears of moving into marriage if you choose to marry? What does the Gospel say to both of those positions? -The world will know Christ by how we love each other. How well is your community loving each other? Your friendships? Your marriages? -Why is "love being an action" better than "love being an emotion?" Scripture: Ephesians 5:21–33 Genesis 2:18–25 Roles: Husbands & Wives: Humility: Philippians 2:3–8 Forgiveness: Ephesians 4:31–32, Genesis 2:25 Sacrificial Love: Ephesians 5:1–2, John 15:12–13,1 John 3:16 Notes, Quotes, And Slides: “Adam has no one of his nature and substance to think about. He has no one in his likeness to love, serve, and honor. Left alone, his thoughts would be too wrapped around himself. This was a problem… In his alone state, Adam could not reflect the complete image that God wanted him to reflect. He was not as full an image-bearer of God’s glory as God desired.” -John Henderson, Catching Foxes, pg. 70 Extra Question for your own study and reflection this week: Questions to ask before getting married about who you are dating: Do I believe that God loves me? Do I believe that I am forgiven? Does he or she love Jesus? Does he or she love Jesus more than they love me? Am I OK with them loving Jesus more than me? For Wives: Do I image Christ to my Husband? Do I show my husband respect? Words and thoughts? Am I a help or hinderance for my Husband? Am I bitter towards Him? If so will you forgive him? For Husbands: Am I willing to place her needs, wants, desires, and dreams before my own? Do I show my wife gratitude and thankfulness? What do I need to do for my wife so that her relationship with Jesus can flourish? Where do I need to forgive her?

Sermon Extras - Dating

February 24, 2019 • Pastor Simon & Pastor Matthias

Pastor Simon and Pastor Matthias start a new series of Sermon Extras for our series in Biblical Relationships.


February 24, 2019 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Pastor Matthias Haeusel begins our 4-week series on Biblical Relationships with a sermon on Dating. CG Questions: Biblical Relationships  Week 1: Dating Questions: How have you viewed dating in the past? What is the purpose of dating? How do we approach a topic like dating when the Bible doesn’t specifically address it? If having your relationship with God in order is a pre-requisite for dating, what should a relationship with God in order look like? According to CS Lewis’ 4 Loves (see below), what order do you or have you had in the process of dating? What was the benefit or problem with that in your life? From where do you derive your value as a woman or a man? From accomplishments or achievements? From a spouse or significant other? How does God inform your value? If you have made mistakes in dating and purity, how can you move forward in a relationship with Jesus? What hope do we have in this area? Do you struggle with dating, if so what do you struggle with? Is there a lie that you are believing from culture that you need to have God’s Word shed on? Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, Genesis 1:26-27, 2:23-25, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8,1 Timothy 5:1-2,1 Corinthians  6:9-7:19,Proverbs 6:20-7:27, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, James 1:13-15, 1 Thessalonians 4:4-5, Titus 2:1-8, Romans 13:8-14, 14:1-15:7; Philippians 2:4, John 14:15  Notes, Quotes, and Slides: I. IMAGING GOD II. A BIBLICAL VIEW ON DATING Biblical Guidance: Purity - Temptation - Self-Control - Self-Sacrifice - Obedience - “Adam has no one of his nature to and substance to think about. He has no one in his likeness to love, serve, and honor. Left alone, his thoughts would be too wrapped around himself. This was a problem… In his alone state, Adam could not reflect the complete image that God wanted him to reflect. He was not as full an image-bearer of God’s glory as God desired.” -John Henderson, Catching Foxes, p. 70 Definition: Dating is the process discovery between a single man and a single woman to see if this person might be someone they would want to marry. THE ORDERING OF YOUR 4 LOVES (C.S. Lewis) Culture: STORGE - Affection, Romance, Sentimentality, Warmth EROS - Romantic / Sexual Love PHILOS - Friendship AGAPE - Love of the Will, Commitment, Scripture: PHILOS - Friendship STORGE - Affection, Romance, Sentimentality, Warmth AGAPE - Love of the Will, Commitment, Service, Divine Love EROS - Romantic / Sexual Love III. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS An Encouragement - You are not a second class Christian• A Warning - God does not promise marriage A Truth - You don’t become whole when you get married A Hope - God has something for you in this time that is bigger than marriage Boundaries - it’s not about how far can I go, it’s about how holy can I be Purity - What if this doesn’t work out? Idolatry -being in a relationship -pleasure