
6/21/2020 - Father's Day

June 21, 2020 • Pastor Rebecca Hyvonen

Father’s Day 2020

Good morning and welcome once more to Cross Creek Community Church.
We especially welcome our online friends who will be replaying this video.
May you experience the Presence of God along with us, and feel free to interact on our page with your comments too. We’ll follow up on them afterwards.

You can also start a “watch party,” and include your friends as well.
Be sure and “follow us” so you can receive our notifications.
We’re glad you’ve joined us.

Now I have a serious question for all of us: “What does your favorite shirt look like?”
Think about it. It’s an especially good question for Father’s Day because sometimes some dads are known to… well… sorta wear the same shirt… repeatedly?
What does your favorite shirt look like?

Our favorite shirts get worn a lot, to the point of getting worn out over time.
And yet there’s always something very comforting about those shirts.

As we get to know our Heavenly Father more, His Presence wraps around us like a soft and familiar piece of clothing. It becomes more and more comfortable as well.
He will still lead us into situations far out of our comfort zones, so He can continue to grow us and minister to others, but He is our Comforter. And so much more.

Perhaps this Father’s Day we can take some time today to tell Yahweh, the Lord our God, just what we appreciate about Him.

He is always there for us. He loves us more than anyone else ever has or will.
He fights our battles for us. He sets us free. He forgives us. He gives us purpose.
He gives us strength. He gives us courage. He gives us love.

John wrote in I John 4:9,10 “This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us…”

Jesus came from the Father to give us life. Let’s enjoy that life today as we love on God, and each other.

Happy Father’s Day Heavenly Father.
Psalm 19 tells us “The Heavens declare the glory of God.” So do we.

It is my hope today that you will enter into a new and deeper relationship with your Abba, Daddy. No one loves you like He does.

Romans 8:14, 15 tells us: “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Elsewhere, John cries out in I John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are!”

{Let us pray…}

And now hear the words from Larry Kreider, the leader of Dove International,
with whom we’re in partnership:

This is Father’s Day weekend when we celebrate the gift of fatherhood.
Godly fathers are a true gift to us.

Some of us have had amazing fathers, while others grew up with painful experiences associated with their fathers.

You may never have known your father, but because of the transforming power of Jesus Christ, our men have the privilege of modeling healthy fatherhood for the next generation and for the generations to come. It’s not too late to start.

May we never forget, every man and woman is called by God to become a spiritual father or mother. Paul the apostle tells us in I Corinthains 4:15-16, “… You do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me.”

Paul became a spiritual father and calls us to do the same.

Let’s take a moment this weekend to thank our fathers, both natural and spiritual. Then take Paul’s admonition seriously; become a spiritual father or mother to those the Lord has placed in your life.

I so appreciate the prayers, wisdom, love and support from our Dove spiritual fathers and mothers. May they feel loved and honored this weekend.

I also appreciate the fathers of this church, this body of Christ called Cross Creek Community Church. We will have a special blessing over the men of our church and those watching online too after the message.

Meanwhile, this morning we have a special treat. Our youngest Elder, Michael Shannon, will be sharing from His life about how he moved through an extremely stressful time determined to trust in our Heavenly Father. And how it’s all turned out…

Let’s invite him up to share with us now…