
The Sower

"The Condition of Our Heart"

"The Good Soil" - Ready Hearts

April 28, 2024 • Mark 4:13–19

In the final sermon from "The Sower" series, we see the results of a heart ready to let the word of God take root in our lives. Through self-awareness, we can identify the things in our lives that are a threat to our healthy soil and remove them immediately. We also must surrender to the most important element of growth: patience. All good things take time to grow. We must fall in love with the gift of time as it is necessary for fruit to bear itself in our lives.

"The Thorny Soil" - Crowded Hearts

April 21, 2024 • Zach Kordic • Mark 4:1–9

We're all busy people. With work, spouses, kids, hobbies, entertainment, and comfort, there's so much noise that it's incredibly easy to focus on the thorns growing in our hearts. How can we make space for the Word of God to grow and nurture our spirit? Join us as we examine the third type of heart in our Sower series: the Crowded Heart.

"The Rocky Soil" - Shallow Hearts

April 14, 2024 • Daniel Kitchel • Mark 4

If we want strength, we must have depth. Trees with deep roots are difficult to knock down, and buildings with deep foundations stand the test of time. Shallow things never last. How do you build a heart with depth? What is the key to this? What do we do with our shallow hearts? The most important truth we must surrender to is this: "Our heart is the most important thing about us."

"The Path" - Hard Hearts

April 7, 2024 • Daniel Kitchel • Mark 4:1–9

God generously sows His word all around us. The seed is destined to grow if we are ready for it. Our responsibility is to ensure we are prepared to receive what God has for us. If our hearts are hard, we must do whatever is necessary for them to become soft again. Through humility and listening, God can take our hearts of stone and give us a heart of flesh.