
"War or Peace?"

Daniel Kitchel - Lead Pastor

July 9, 2023

God has made peace with us through the Cross of Christ. This peace does not end there. This peace should extend to others and spill over into our relationship with others. The "wall of hostility" was broken down by the love of Christ. God was doing something new between the Jews and Gentiles: Bringing them together as one - a new humanity.

This reconciliation between Jew and Gentile inspires us as we seek to live at peace with others.

Ask yourself:

"Do I bring peace where I go, or war?"

"In my home, at work, do I bring tension or calm?"

"Am I a uniter or a divider?"

"Do I contribute to solutions, or am I a part of the problem?"

More from Ephesians


October 8, 2023

Without communication, relationships will never thrive. It is essential to express yourself and to be a listener. In our final sermon from Ephesians, we are challenged to take an honest look into our communication with God. Prayer is communicating with God. Do you pray? Will you pray? What does it look like to have a strong prayer life?

"The Armor of God"

October 1, 2023 • Ephesians 6:10–17

The battle for our hearts, souls, and minds is real and unseen. We must protect ourselves from the real threat that is against us and our families. God has given us everything we need to stand.

"Close the Door, Take a Stand"

September 24, 2023 • Ephesians 6:10–16

The spiritual realm is real. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against something deeper and darker. As Christians, we must not associate with things of darkness. We are called to be light. Our souls must be searched to consider any doors in our lives that are open for the enemy to come and go freely. God calls us to be strong in His strength and power and to take a stand.