

Bruce Kreger - Elder

May 20, 2024 • Bruce Kreger • Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:6–11

As believers, we have the expectation of heaven. What a thought! A place where there is no more fighting, death, or pain. While we should anticipate heaven as our home, we should do our best to bring heaven to earth while we are here.

We have the hope of heaven because of what Jesus did for us.

As a lamb, He died.

As a Lion, He rose.

"Where Our Words Begin"

May 27, 2024 • Mario Davis • Psalm 51:10, Ephesians 4:29, James 3:3–12, Proverbs 4:23

Everything has a source. The Bible is clear: Our heart is the source of the words we speak. The tongue can only produce what is within us. Our words create life and can destroy it, so we must guard our hearts above all else.

"Brown Paper Bags"

May 13, 2024 • Daniel Kitchel • Ephesians 3:7–13

The church's power to change lives is immeasurable. We simply never know who might be in our midst. God has chosen the church to display his love to the world.

"So The World May Believe"

May 6, 2024 • Dustin Kitchel • John 17:20–21

One special way that God wants to display his love to the world is through the church. Particularly, he wants the church to show unity in a badly divided and fractured world. If you have been around our church for any amount of time, you will quickly experience the presence of unity. We take good care of one another and are fiercely committed to meeting the needs of all of us. This culture is deeply rooted in our church; we must protect it at all costs. If we stay unified, we offer the world a reason to believe in the hope that we have.