
Love Rooted in Truth

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Jimmy Donaruma • 2 John

We are looking at 2 John, a short but powerful biblical book. It's all about love rooted in obedience to God's commandments, just as Jesus taught. Today, false teachings still exist, and we must be watchful. Guard your theology, take Scripture seriously, and love like Christ. Let's be a community that knows the Scriptures and reminds each other of the truth, showing our identity as disciples of Christ. Join us in embracing love grounded in truth.

Cheap Grace

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Jimmy Donaruma • Jude

This is a powerful message of forgiveness, the dangers of justifying our desires, and the call to build each other up in faith.

The Sandwich in 3 John

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Jimmy Donaruma • John 3

In the letter of 3 John, we find a "Compliment Sandwich", with appreciation for exceptional hospitality and support, while also exposing a challenge within the community where self-interest trumps the well-being of the church. The big lesson? Assess leaders by their character and humility, just as Jesus exemplified. Join us to unpack these timeless insights!

Paul's Most Unique Letter

October 15, 2023 • Pastor Jimmy Donaruma • Philemon

In this week's One-Hit Wonder series, we dive into Philemon, a unique letter of forgiveness, love, and partnership. Join us as we explore the powerful message of grace and transformation in the face of difficult choices.