
All the Stories Are True: Jesus is the Son of God // Matt Erbaugh

July 2, 2023

How do we know Jesus is the Son of God? All the stories from the Bible bring the revelation of God the Father that Jesus is who He says He is, and by grace you believe and triumph!

All the Stories Are True: Jesus is the Lion of Judah // Darryl Evetts

August 6, 2023

The Old Testament story of Jacob’s prophetic blessings on Judah is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Lion of Judah…our conqueror, our victory, our majestic King!

All the Stories Are True: Jesus is the Root of David // Matt Erbaugh

July 30, 2023

Acts 17 teaches us that Jesus fulfills ancient prophecies, serves as the eternal King, and brings hope and salvation to all who believe in Him. Therefore, we as believers are to carry His message of love and grace to the world.

All the Stories Are True: Jesus is the Great High Priest // Chris Dillashaw

July 23, 2023

The Old Testament story of the Priest Melchizedek reveals God's complete and perfect plan to save the world through Jesus! Jesus is our Great High Priest, and His sacrifice established a new covenant for eternity so that no other sacrifices are needed.