
Shepherd's Call to Praise

December 24, 2023 • Scott Hansen

The shepherds were like the underdogs of their time, just regular folks without any special privileges, in fact, they couldn't even cast a vote in society. But God picked these seemingly ordinary folks, who were pretty much overlooked by everyone, to be the first to hear about the birth of the world's Savior. Talk about surprising, right? This whole unfolding of the gospel was about to teach us a lot about the difference between how we see the people of the world and God's heart toward the people of the world.

Mary's Call to Provide/ Joseph's Call to Protect

December 17, 2023 • Scott Hansen

Mary and Joseph were entrusted with explicit guidance from God. Their sole responsibility was to place unwavering trust that these unusual and never-seen-before miracles would happen and God's plan would eventually unfold as intended. The challenge lay in accepting that, despite appearances to the outside world, all would be well. What, in your perspective, would pose a greater challenge: navigating the uncertainty of God's plan without specifics or possessing that knowledge while bracing for judgment from the world?

Zechariah's Call

December 10, 2023 • Scott Hansen

Imagine enduring total silence from God when suddenly, like Zaccharius, you find yourself interrupted by the message that God has seen and heard you the entire time. A heavenly message that derails everything you thought was set in the future but instead offers you a future you didn't dare hope to have. Join us this Sunday as we learn that when God interrupts your story, He always has something better in store.