
English Radio Volume 240

Host: Ian Taylor

U.S. Army Celebrates Its 75,000 Birthday!

May 17, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Romans 1:22 "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…" We at Creation Moments are often asked, where do evolutionists get all those millions of years? It seems they are always finding rocks and fossils that are tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old. Some years ago, scientists discovered human bones in California buried under thick layers of mud. Scientific authorities studied the bones and dated them at about 75,000 years old. Digging deeper, scientists discovered an old United States Army button! Was the U.S. Army around 75,000 years ago, or was the dating method unreliable? More recently, an archaeological team from a Japanese university discovered drawings on a cave wall on a Japanese island. This important discovery was dated at 10,000 to 13,000 years old. When one of the local residents of the island heard about the discovery, he stepped forward to confess that as a boy he often drew on the walls of the cave with charcoal. Can you imagine the misery we would have if modern medicine was only as reliable as these dating methods? The simple answer to where evolutionary scientists get all those years is that they make them up. There is no machine or scientific magic that tells a scientist that a rock or fossil is tens of thousands or millions of years old. The oldest and most accurate record of ancient times that we humans have is the Bible, and the Bible leaves no room for tens of thousands or millions of years! Prayer: Lord, I ask you to call back those millions who have been falsely led to believe that the Bible is not trustworthy. Help them to see that evolution is simply a false religion, which would replace You, the Creator, with the creation itself. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Notes: Jackson, Wayne. 1990. "Scientific red faces." Reasoning from Revelation, v. II, n. 1, Jan. p. 3. © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Infants' Talk Puzzles Scientists

May 16, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Luke 10:16 "He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me." Because we were created by God who values communication and has always desired to communicate with us, we are born with the natural ability to learn and to speak language. Those who believe in evolution usually disbelieve that humans have the natural mental ability to speak, since they think both the ability to speak and language itself evolved. Research has forced evolutionists to change their thinking so that it is more in line with what the Bible says. As one science writer put it, learning to speak is "a miracle". Instead of being a socalled "blank slate", infants are born into the world with the inborn mental and physical abilities to learn any language on Earth. Researchers have found that the ability to learn language is highest before a child reaches three years of age. Researchers learned that by age three, children from bilingual households have learned the basics of, and the differences between, the two languages. A child's brain is – to use computer language – specifically wired to learn language. Infants understand language long before they have mastered the breath, mouth and tongue control to speak it. All those baby noises are preprogrammed exercises needed to master control of our speaking abilities. The fact that our Creator built in our ability to communicate helps to show us that we were intended to have a communicating relationship with Him. He speaks to us in the Bible, and we speak to Him in prayer. Do you have good communication with your Creator? Prayer: Father, I confess that communications between us have not been as good as they should be. It is my fault. Fill me with eagerness to hear Your voice in the Bible and to come to You in prayer. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Ref: Kobren, Gerri. 1990. "Tots assemble building blocks of language." Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jan. 20. p. 1E. Image: Baby with toys (http://pixabay.com) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

"Just So" Stories of Evolution

May 15, 2024 • Ian Taylor

1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." There is a common sense saying in science that when anything can serve as an explanation to support a theory, the theory is not scientific. Let's say that you have a friend who has a theory that invisible pink elephants fly over his house every day at noon. He wants to prove his theory to you. So you agree to be at his house at noon to see his evidence. It's noon and you are staring at the sky, seeing nothing but a nice, clear blue sky – the very sight you have expected and hoped to see. At one minute past noon, he asks you, "Well, did you see them?" You answer "no", and he responds, "That proves it. I told you they were invisible." When science discovered that the human brain is divided into specialized left and right halves, evolutionists said this specialization shows why humans have evolved further than the animals and can do so many things. Evolutionists said the left side of the brain became specialized so that humans could specialize in speech while also specializing in emotion with the right side of the brain. Then scientists discovered that many animals also have this left and right brain specialization. All of a sudden, the fact of left and right brain specialization among so many creatures was used by evolutionists as evidence of our supposed relationship with animals. Evolution is a "just so" story where anything can serve as "proof". But when anything can be proof, then nothing is proven. Prayer: Lord, people use many stories to convince themselves that they can ignore Your true Word. Help me to see that I too often use the story that "I just don't have time to read the Bible today," repent of it and resolve to hear You teach me every day in Your Word. Amen. Image: Pink elephant (http://pixabay.com) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

The Miraculous Seed

May 14, 2024 • Ian Taylor

1 Corinthians 15:35-38 "But some [man] will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? [Thou] fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other [grain]: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body." Can the dead come back to life? While many scientists assure us that they cannot, the empty grave of Christ assures us that in Him everyone who trusts in His saving work on the cross of Calvary will live bodily with Him forever. When modern science tries to raise doubts about the bodily resurrection of Christ, just keep in mind that science cannot even explain the miracle of the seed. Any seed, whether an ordinary bean seed, an acorn or a coconut, is a marvel of life. Consider the oak tree. Within the acorn, weighing less than an ounce, is a tiny embryonic oak tree, enough nutrition to get the young tree started on its own and all of the coded information needed not only to direct the start of growth, but to also guide the design and development of tons and tons of tree! Lotus seeds can remain alive and sprout for up to 1,000 years! If it had been up to the first plant to figure out how to accomplish this miracle by trial and error, we would still be waiting for the first seed to develop! But Scripture solves this problem for us by clearly stating that God is the author of all life! Besides Scripture's clear statement on the matter, it seems most unscientific to say that the tiny, packaged bundle of life we call a seed was not carefully designed and created but came about by chance. And as the seed in the ground shakes off its old, dry coat to burst forth in vibrant new life, let each of us look to Christ to shake off the old and decayed and allow Him to place on us the vibrant new life He gives us through His resurrection. Prayer: Lord, let me truly show forth the new life You have given me so that the hearts of doubters may be opened to You. Amen. Ref: Pope, Jon Cedar. 1979. "Carrying an immature plant through time and space." Science Digest, May. p. 60. Photo: Lotus seeds. (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Science Sheds Light on the Darkest Day

May 13, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Matthew 27:45 "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour." Historical science is one branch of human knowledge that consistently supports the biblical record. In Matthew 27:45 we read that darkness covered the land from 12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon, while Christ hung dying on the cross for our sins. The biblical language that describes this darkness makes it clear that it was not due to clouds. Nor could this darkness be caused by an eclipse of the sun. Christ's crucifixion took place at Passover, a time when the moon is full. Besides, a solar eclipse never lasts for three hours. It is interesting to note that this darkness was also recorded in Egypt. According to one ancient record, as the same darkness descended upon Egypt, it was so fearfully dark that Dinoysius of Egypt exclaimed, "Either the God of Nature is suffering, or the machine of the world is tumbling into ruin." Indeed, the God of nature, the Word who created everything that exists, had left His heavenly glory to repair the damage humanity had done to His work. He took our form upon Himself so that He could carry our sins. And as He experienced the full pain of God's just punishment for our sin in His perfect body and perfect mind, the God of nature was truly suffering and even dying. His burden was our sin, so His death gives us life, and His resurrection makes that life worthwhile because it is, once again, a daily walk with our Creator. Is there darkness and hopelessness in your life? Come to His cross and know that there He has restored you to your Creator. Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You left the glories of heaven to carry my sin on the cross, offering Your perfect life for my sinful life so that I may no longer be separated from You. Let me never treat Your love lightly. Amen. Notes: Corliss, William R. 1983. "Tornados, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena." Glen Arm, MD: The Sourcebook Project. p. 31. Photo: "The Crucifixion" by Simon Vouet (1590-1649). © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

The Destructive Power of Water

May 10, 2024 • Ian Taylor

2 Peter 2:4-5 “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth [person], a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly…" Many of the features of the Earth's surface have been formed by the cutting and eroding action of moving water. When you think about how hard rock is compared to water, it's easy to believe that it must have taken hundreds of thousands or even millions of years for water to shape the land. This ignorance about how rapidly water cuts rock has cost people their lives. In April 1987 a 300foot section of the 540footlong New York Thruway Bridge collapsed into the Choharie Creek. The moving waters of the creek had created turbulence around the bridge's pilings. Within a few years, this turbulence cut away the rock in which the pilings were anchored, and with nothing to hold it up, the bridge collapsed. In June 1987 a section of the 2,800footlong Clearwater Pass Bridge in Florida dropped 10 inches. Divers sent down to inspect the bridge pilings found that more than 10 feet of rock had been scoured away from the bridge's pilings. Similar instances of moving water cutting away solid rock in a short period of time can be found by dams. When many of these structures were built, it was assumed that it took tens of thousands of years for water to erode solid rock. But experience has now shown us that water is able to do in a few years or even a few hours what scientists once thought took thousands or millions of years. Another lesson to be learned is that we don't need tens of thousands of years to form the watercarved features of our Earth! Prayer: Father, help more people to see that Your Word is truth and that it has not been shown wrong by man's science. Make it increasingly difficult for people to ignore the Bible, which tells us of Your plan of salvation for us through Jesus Christ. Amen. Notes: Photo: Memorial in the memory of all who died in 2004 Tsunami at the Kanyakumari Beach, India. © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Darwin's Child Murdered!

May 9, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Psalm 40:5 "Many, O LORD my God, [are] thy wonderful works [which] thou hast done, and thy thoughts [which are] to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: [if] I would declare and speak [of them], they are more than can be numbered." On Creation Moments, we often challenge evolution with examples that show that the creation is carefully and lovingly designed by the Creator. Many of these evidences leave evolutionists silent and unable to respond. But one evidence for design is so powerful, it almost seems unfair for creationists to mention it. Yet they do, as in one release from scientists at the Institute for Creation Research. While the brain weighs only three pounds, it can do the work of 1,000 supercomputers. It doesn't need to be connected to a power source, and it doesn't overheat because it is able to make its own electricity and it operates on only microvolts of power. If your brain's 10 trillion cells were placed endtoend, they would stretch for over 100,000 miles. Your brain has the capacity to store every word of every book on a bookshelf 500 miles long. In order for the human brain to have evolved from a simpler brain in the time that evolutionists claim it has, the brain would have had to evolve millions of new cells every year for millions of years. A.R. Wallace, codiscoverer with Charles Darwin of natural selection, once noted that there is a huge gulf between the human brain and that of the ape. Darwin recognized what Wallace's argument did to their theory and responded, "I hope you have not murdered completely your own and my child." God has given you a brain that has wonderful abilities. Don't waste one of the greatest material gifts the Creator has given you. Prayer: Forgive me, Father, for underestimating the great gift that You have given me – my brain. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Ref: DeYoung, Don, and Richard Bliss. 1990. "Thinking about the brain." ICR Impact. Feb. p. 1. . Photo: Portrait of Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Science and Miracles

May 9, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Do you realize that the Bible's own arguments have been stolen by evolutionary scientists in their attempt to prove that there are no such things as miracles? It's past time that Christians reclaim those arguments in order to deflate the doubt that has been created. Evolutionists say that since the world is an orderly place with predictable physical laws, we know that miracles can't happen. And they're right on everything but their conclusion. It is because the world is an orderly place with predictable physical laws that miracles are important. The Bible clearly teaches that the world follows orderly laws. For example, Genesis 1:11 tells us that plants reproduce in an orderly, predictable pattern – after their kind. In Genesis 1:14 we read about how the stars move across the sky in an orderly pattern so that we can tell what season it is. And if the world was not an orderly, predictable place, we couldn't tell if something was a miracle or not. In a world where things happen willynilly, miracles would have no meaning. It is only in a predictable world that science can study where miracles can be what the New Testament calls them – signs. So the very reason evolutionists use to deny the existence of miracles is really the only reason we have to accept the possibility – and the reality – of the Creator's miraculous working in His creation! Prayer: Father, ours is an age of doubt. Forgive me for the times I have been intimidated by the arguments of unbelieving scientists. Help me to see through their poor arguments and uphold Your truth before men. Amen. Notes: Bartz, Paul A. 1990. “The Bible teaches a predictable world – but not naturalism.” Bible Science Newsletter, Mar. p. 10. Painting: “Elijah Resuscitating the Son of the Widow of Zarephath” by Louis Hersent (1777-1862) (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Where Is the Garden of Eden?

May 7, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Genesis 2:8 "And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." One mystery that has intrigued humans for thousands of years is the location of the Garden of Eden. Even Sunday school children stare at maps and carefully read Genesis 2:814, trying to locate it. But when we wonder where the Garden of Eden was, there are other passages in the Bible that we need to consider. Genesis 3:2324 makes it very clear that God closed the Garden to humans – meaning no one could ever go back. But there is even more important information in Scripture on the location of the Garden. Genesis 7:11 says that "all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." These words about the breaking up of all the fountains of the deep suggest violent and widespread volcanic action. The geological record says that such violent action was indeed widespread. And very clearly the opening of the windows of heaven describes much more than just heavy rain. In the Genesis Flood, the entire Earth's surface underwent violent reshaping. We find evidence of this in fossils that are found today on mountaintops. We know that some of these creatures lived five miles below the ocean's surface! You can find rivers on maps today with the same names as those mentioned in Genesis. But the fact is, those rivers on our maps today are only named after their preFlood counterparts. God closed Eden to sinful humanity and violently reshaped the Earth's surface in the Flood. The only way back to God is through Jesus Christ. Prayer: Lord, help me to abandon all hope of finding You by my own efforts and instead trust only in what Jesus Christ has already completed for me on Calvary. Help me to teach others to do the same. In His Name. Amen. Image: Painting – The Garden of Eden by Thomas Cole (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

The Ultimate Engineer

May 6, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Job 38:4, 36 "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?" Did you ever wonder why, while there are lots of round and cylindrical living things, there are almost no square plants or animals? Why isn't there any animal that has a skeleton made out of metal? And while there are so many ways for living things to move about, why do almost none of them have wheels? We make lots of square things, use metal frames in the things we build, and use wheels on lots of moving things. But these features don't offer good solutions to the problems most living things have to deal with in life. Wheels are useless for going through the jungle, climbing trees, flying or burrowing. In engineering language, all living things show a high degree of design sophistication. For example, the skeletons of all mammals have a ratio of 30% shock-absorbing collagen to 70% calcium phosphate for strength. This ratio provides the very best balance for holding up a mammal's weight during locomotion. Engineers also know that in order to get the best flow of a liquid – such as blood – a pipe's cubed radius must equal the sum of the cubed radii of each of its branches. And this is exactly the relationship found in all living and fossilized creatures, from sponges to humans! The impressive engineering found in all living things – and even in the oldest fossils – offers elegant testimony to the Creator's wisdom and power! None of us should be shy about recognizing Him when we are with others. Prayer: Father, I thank You that You have not left the world without witness to Your great wisdom and power. Make me a better witness to You and what You have done for me through Your Son. In His Name. Amen. Ref: Wickelgren, Ingrid. 1989. "The mechanics of natural success." Science News, v. 135, June 17. p. 376. Image:  A composite of the skeletons of a Human and a Horse arranged into a lifelike pose, at an exhibit in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/australian_museum, Sydney, Australia. (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

The Creator Rebuilds Lives

May 3, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Hosea 6:6 "For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings." For generations we have heard that people become criminals and go to prison because of their parents, friends, poverty or society itself. Yet there has always been a majority of people who come from bad homes or poor neighborhoods who have lived responsible lives. Now some police officials and psychologists are suggesting that criminal behavior is the fault of the criminal himself. The lifelong criminal chooses a pattern of dealing with life that is different from most people – and it's often evident by the time he is four years old. They characterize what they call the criminal mind as a person who chooses to lie instead of taking responsibility. They say that traditional explanations that blame society for crime simply help the criminal mind avoid responsibility. The career criminal likes to break the law. As one rapist said, "If rape were legalized, I'd do something else." No, the origins issue is not simply a philosophical debate! At Creation Moments, we have heard from many serving prison terms for serious crimes. Those who contact us all say the same thing. They tell us that they have realized they must become responsible for their lives. They realize that in order to learn a new way of thinking they must begin by learning how to approach the Creator Who made them. And we are pleased to help them learn more about Him and His inviting and allforgiving love to them in Jesus Christ. Prayer: Dear Father, because I, too, sin, I know that the temptation to avoid responsibility for my actions in strong. Through Your Word of promise in the gospel, remind me that You are always more pleased to forgive me for Jesus' sake than have me try to avoid You. Let my peace be in Christ. Amen. Notes: "Exposing the criminal mind." Science 84, Sept. 1984. p. 84. Image: US Disciplinary barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Does the Lion's Tooth Bite Your Lawn?

May 2, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." As spring comes to the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, one of the first signs of spring is the blossom of the Lion's Tooth. This bright yellow flower is also called the Irish daisy, priest's crown, peasant's cloak and yellow gowan. Its other name appears on the sides of bags of lawn care chemicals – the dandelion. The millions of homeowners who wage unrelenting war on the dandelion will probably not be pleased to hear anything good said about the plant. But the dandelion actually has a very interesting history. It was first brought to North America from Europe because of its beautiful flower. As late as the early 20th century, seed companies were still selling packets of dandelion seeds for home flower gardens. Up to 1957, more than 100,000 pounds of dandelion roots were imported annually to the United States for pharmaceutical use. In spring, the dandelion contains mannitol, which is used as a base for pills, a treatment for hypertension and coronary insufficiency, as well as in manufacturing radio condensers and percussion caps. And many people enjoy a salad that includes young dandelion leaves freshly picked in the spring. While you may not like dandelions in your lawn, the dandelion illustrates that God has not made anything that is without use. It is up to us to put what He has given each of us to use for His purposes. Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive me for the times that I have not appreciated the good purpose for which You have brought some experience or event into my life. Through Jesus Christ fill me with the conviction that my life can fulfill Your purpose if I follow You. In His Name. Amen. Notes: "A weed by any other name." Science 83, Apr. 1983. p. 82. Image: Dandelion (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

A 4,000 Year Old Computer Language

May 1, 2024 • Ian Taylor

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The language is so logical and precisely structured that it is being used to create a programming language that a computer can understand. Unlike most languages of the world, this language has few irregular verbs, no prepositions and almost no exceptions to strict grammatical rules. What would take a long sentence to say in most languages can be said in only a few words in this language. One would think that we are talking about a new language, carefully designed and crafted by modern scientists. But this language, called Aymara, has been spoken by peasants in the Andes for 4,000 years! Because of its highly logical structure, Aymara is being used as a bridge language that enables computers to translate one language to another. Since 1986, a computer has been using Aymara to translate Spanish technical and legal documents into English in the office of the Panama Canal Commission. This amazing computer can translate a 60,000word document with 80 percent accuracy in only an hour. The final product must then be reviewed by a translator. Generally speaking, modern languages are less logically structured and more irregular and often cannot express as many shades of meaning as can ancient languages. In other words, as we go back in time, languages are not less structured and less expressive; they are more highly structured and more expressive than today's languages. This is powerful evidence that language has not come from grunting cavemen, but from the Creator Himself! Prayer: Lord, I thank You for the gift of language. Help me to be faithful to You in my use of language, not only in speaking the truth in love and avoiding falsehoods, but also in telling others what You have done for them in Your death and resurrection. Amen. Ref: "Computer application helps save an ancient language." Minneapolis Star Tribune, Feb. 24, 1990. p. 9A. Photo: Literacy class in El Alto, Bolivia.(PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

Population and the Age of the Earth

April 30, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Genesis 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." How long have people been living on Earth? The evolutionist says millions of years. Biblebelieving Christians generally say only about 6,000 years. But the answer to this question is amazingly simple. If we start with only two people, and they have four children who live to have their own children, the second generation now has twice as many people – four. Now, allowing for infant mortality and other human problems that keep population down, we still find that on the average it only takes about 130 years to double the Earth's population. This figure fits into known historical records. And if anything, it's a conservative number. If human history is 2 million years, as the evolutionists say, the Earth ought to have a lot more people than it does now. Alternatively, if we accept the 2 million years, then it must have taken 125,000 years to double the population in order to finish with today's world population. But that doesn't make any sense at all, especially since human historical records show that the doubling time is about 1,000 times less! But if we start with eight people and reckon that the population doubles every 130 years, we find that it takes only about 4,000 to 4,500 years to get a population of 1 billion. And that was the Earth's population in the year 1800 – just about 4,200 years after the Flood, through which only eight people were saved to repopulate the Earth! Prayer: Lord, even the growth of human population testifies to the truth of Your Word! Help me to remember that to You humanity is not a mass of people. Even though it numbers in the billions, each is an individual whom You are seeking with Your Word. For Jesus' sake. Amen. Ref: Weigand, Cleone H. 1985. "Morality remains the best way to stem population growth." Milwaukee Journal, Apr. 14. Map: World map (http://pixabay.com) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.

The Crafty Flea

April 29, 2024 • Ian Taylor

1 Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." The water flea fills one of the lowest spots on the food chain. What this means is that even though the water flea is concerned about little else than going about his business, just about everyone else in the pond is interested in eating him. Not much larger than a grain of rice, the water flea has been given such a clever defense against predators that even scientists were fooled for a while. Adult water fleas, or Daphnia, are eggshaped except for their legs and are easy to swallow. Newly hatched water fleas are usually eggshaped, too, making them a tender, easy-to-swallow lunch. But as the number of predators in the pond or stream grows, hatchlings begin to develop an odd array of sharp projections on their bodies. Some look so different from their parents that at first scientists misidentified them as a different species. The water fleas' strategy involves more than just trying to look like something different from a traditional water flea lunch. The sharp projections make them hard to swallow. Anyone would rather swallow an egg than a porcupine! Research shows that these projections reduce mortality of young water fleas by 50 percent. If the Creator takes this personalized care of water fleas, how much more He wishes to take this kind of personalized care of you! None of us need ever feel alone or uncared for. Your Creator seeks a personal relationship with you through His Son, Jesus Christ! Prayer: Father, I thank You that You have not left me alone and without hope. Renew and strengthen me in a closer relationship to You by means of Your loving invitation in Your Word, the Bible. For Jesus' sake. Amen. Ref: Fellman, Bruce. "Quickchange flea." Science 84. p. 76. Image: Evadne spinifera (PD) © 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.