
Explaining Too Much

September 4, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Philippians 2:3

"[Let] nothing [be done] through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."


We are all familiar with evolution's battle cry of survival of the fittest. Another way of putting it is that evolution favors the selfish.


Nature is full of surprises. For generations, evolutionists have explained why most animals breed promiscuously rather than taking mates for life. They argue the more they breed, the more of their genes continue in the next generation. Preserving genes is said to be an important goal of evolution. In other words, evolution favors the selfish.


The problem with this explanation is that naturalists are discovering increasing examples of individuals who either wait longer than necessary to mate or never mate at all. That's not very selfish. Worse for evolution, these animals actually help other individuals rear and feed their young. For example, two-thirds of all acorn woodpeckers never leave home to raise their own families. That's not very selfish! How do evolutionists explain this?


Evolutionists said that the helpers pass up opportunities to breed because it gives them the evolutionary advantage of preserving their genes. Did you catch it? Acorn woodpeckers that go out and breed as fast as possible are favored by evolution because they are preserving their genes. Those who help at home and never breed are favored by evolution because it preserves their genes! When evolution uses the same explanation for opposite activities, it shows that evolution is not science. It's only making up stories.


Prayer: You know so well, Lord, how we sinful human beings will make up and even believe anything that will justify our beliefs or make us seem innocent. Help me to abandon excuses and rely solely on Your suffering, death and resurrection for my vindication from sin. Amen.


Ref: Bruce Fellman. 1992. "Looking Out for Number One." Natural Wildlife, Dec.-Jan., pp. 46-49. Photo: Envato