
Dinosaurs in History

September 17, 2024 • Ian Taylor

Genesis 1:25

“And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”


One of the most common questions Christians ask is "What about the dinosaurs?" Are dinosaurs proof that the earth is countless ages old and that life must have evolved?


By themselves dinosaur fossils do not disprove or contradict any history found in the Bible. Vast ages are not needed to form the earth's sedimentary rocks and the fossils in them. The flood of Noah formed the rock layers quickly. The fact that fossil bones are found jumbled together in great heaps argues for their deposition during a flood. A global change resulting in a cooler, wetter climate probably caused the extinction of most of the survivors of the flood.


This means that man and dinosaur lived on earth at the same time. Perhaps we still do. In 1977, a Japanese trawler hauled up the decaying remains of a sea creature that had a long neck and flippers. After taking tissue samples and photographs, they returned the rotting carcass to the sea. The creature was commonly held to be a plesiosaurus, a sea-dwelling dinosaur. Virtually every people on earth have legends about dragons. Those dragons resemble dinosaurs very closely. If man had never seen these great reptiles, why does everyone seem to know about them?


The great sea-going dinosaurs were most likely created on day five of the creation week with the other great sea creatures. The great land dinosaurs would have been created on day six. Dinosaurs don't contradict the Bible rather they glorify their Creator.


Prayer: Lord, the dinosaurs were great and mighty creations of Your limitless hand. Help Christians to understand that these magnificent creatures do not call the Bible into doubt. Instead, these mighty creatures glorify You. Amen.

Photo of sea creature remains. Taken by Michihiko Yano.