Riders on the Wind

December 2, 2024 • Ian Taylor

The tiny insect called ice plant scale has no wings. That’s why scientists were surprised to learn that the creature uses sophisticated preflight and flight strategies to move from one ice plant to the next.

Ice plant scale infects ice plants, which are plants used in landscaping. To study the insect, scientists had to observe ice plant scale hatchlings under the microscope because they are only one-fiftieth of an inch long. It was in this setting that scientists saw an unexpected insect ballet.

Sensing a wind of ten miles per hour or more, a scale would determine the wind direction with its antennae and turn its back to the breeze. It then reared back on its hind legs and extended its antennae and legs. This doubles the insect’s surface area and makes it possible for the insect to be lifted and carried by the wind. By extending its legs and antennae, the insect slows the rate of fall so that it can be carried further by the wind. Scientists noted that even insects that are one day old are knowledgeable about flight and ready to migrate.

These actions are designed to allow the wingless insect to take every advantage of the principles of flight. The only scientific conclusion that makes sense is that this knowledge was wired into the insect by its Creator, God Himself.

Mark 11:24

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].”

Prayer: Lord, I am amazed when I see the care and detail You have given to everything in the creation. Forgive me for the times I have treated You as though You were distant and I had been left here on my own. Amen.

Notes: “Blown Away: Riders on the Wind.” Science News, Vol 125, #13, Mar. 31, p. 201. Photo: Iceplant scales, Mary K. Hanson, CC-BY, via iNaturalist.