
Attractional & Missional

September 30, 2018 • Pastor Duncan Clark

We say ‘come and see’. We create environments and live lives that, like a magnet, attract questions, create curiosity, and reflect the beauty of our beautiful God.


We say ‘go and tell’. We are ‘everyday missionaries’. We send people onto the frontline of mission to every corner of the city, carriers of the Father’s presence.

Order & Mess

November 11, 2018 • Pastor Duncan Clark

He is the God of order. He enters chaos and brings order. Not the order of the graveyard, but the order of life. AND He meets us in our mess. He delights in our complexity. He meets us in our vulnerability and gently heals and mends.

Laugh & Cry

November 4, 2018 • Shirene Agbelusi

There is a time to laugh. There are moments of outrageous happiness. He turns our mourning into dancing. He laughs with us…and laughs at us! There is joy in His house. AND There is a time to weep. He meets us in our sorrow. He counts our tears; they do not go unnoticed. He comforts. He counsels. He restores.

Friendship & Fear

October 21, 2018 • Pastor Duncan Clark

We accept the invitation to intimacy. We become friends of God. He calls us close. We ‘remain’ in Him. We meet Him in the ‘secret place’. AND We keep our distance because He is holy. We meet Him on our knees. Our Friend is to be feared. He is the Lion, as well as the Lamb. He is dangerous. Unsafe.