A disciple is a learner. What we learn is that Jesus is all we need. That's the good news we get to share with others.
As Christ followers, we live the gospel and we share the gospel so that those who see and hear might believe.
The only thing required of a witness is to tell the truth about what they know. Every follower of Christ is called to be a witness.
The responsibility and privilege of every follower of Christ is to be a witness to what God has done for us, not what we've done for God.
Jesus was no ordinary man. He is God in the flesh. Very God of very God, very man of very man. The unique God-Man
God's desire to provide for our salvation couldn't be more clear, he stepped into our world and became one of us.
When God opened your heart to the gospel, something truly amazing transpired, you were adopted into His family.
God's answer to the darkness of the world was to send his Son Jesus as the life and light; and we are witnesses to the light.
It would not be wrong to say that John's aim is to overwhelm us with the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The eternal God himself has become human. The Creator has become a part of his creation, fully God, yet fully man. Jesus is God!
John's gospel may be the greatest evangelistic tract ever written. He wants everyone to know what he has seen and heard.