
2023 Non-Sermon Series

When You Can't Straighten Up

December 31, 2023 • Lucas Tanner

Sermon Questions 1. What was wrong with the woman in Luke 13:10-17 and how did Jesus respond to her? 2. What do you find encouraging about this story and why? 3. Augustine described humanity as being curved inward on itself. What do you think he meant and how have you seen it to be true in your own life? 4. In what areas of your life have you experienced freedom? How did that happen? 5. How have you been discouraged in your own sanctification? 6. What areas of your life do you still want Jesus to heal? How can you bring those areas into His presence for healing? 7. How does a vision of what you will one day become impact your current struggle?

Thanksgiving Ingredients

November 22, 2023 • Brian Campbell • Psalm 107

Student Discipleship Director Brian Campbell brings a Thanksgiving message.

You Were Always on My Mind (Dr. Sinclair Ferguson)

April 2, 2023 • Dr. Sinclair Ferguson • John 12:12–23, John 17:20–26

Dr. Sinclair Ferguson Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. Palm Sunday was not Jesus’ first trip to Jerusalem. Why was he greeted with such fanfare upon his arrival this time? 2. Jesus was treated like a true king when he entered Jerusalem but died friendless days later. Why did the enthusiasm for Christ’s promised reign fail to generate enduring faith or courageous loyalty to Him? 3. On at least three occasions in John’s Gospel (2:4, 7:30, 8:20) we are told that Jesus’ ‘hour’ has not yet come. In 12:23, Christ announces that the ‘hour’ has come. What does this mean? 4. What is it about Christians that will convince the world to believe in Christ? 5. How do we know that the prayer of Christ in chapter 17 is not only for his apostles but for us as well?

Isn’t it Incredible?

January 29, 2023 • Brent Whitefield • Acts 26:1–8

Mission Fest 2023

Overcoming Fear of the Future

January 22, 2023 • Chris Voorhees • 2 Kings 19:1–20

Fear of the future is one of the most common fears gripping our world. This tends to paralyze and isolate people. So what are we to do in the face of the uncertainty about the future? What instruction does God’s word give his people? What has done and what will God do on behalf of his people? I. Overcoming fear starts with a firm foundation II. Fear of the future will often include lies of the enemy III. Overcoming fear through the means of grace 1. How do you typically respond when you anticipate bad things to come? 2. What element of the Rabshakeh’s speech was most alarming to you? Why? 3. What are some things you currently are afraid of as you think about the future? 4. How does Jesus’ work on the cross put into perspective our fear of the future?

Overcoming Fear of Failure

January 15, 2023 • Trent Casto • Judges 6:1–24

Gideon was a man just like us, a man who was afraid of failure, among other things. Yet, God used him to do something significant in his redemptive plan. It wasn’t because Gideon was amazing. Join us to discover how we can find the courage to step out and do something meaningful for God’s Kingdom, even when we are afraid of failure. Sermon Outline: I. Fear (of any Sort) Enslaves Us. II. Fear is Closely Related to Unbelief. III. Believing that God is with Us will Enable Us to Overcome Our Fear of Failure Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways do you personally struggle with fear of failure? How has your own battle with this fear increased or decreased over time or in different stages of your life? 2. What do you make of the fact that the angel of the LORD comes to Gideon and calls him “mighty man of valor”? It’s safe to say Gideon probably did not expect that. What positive statement of identity might you be surprised to hear God speak over you? 3. Sometimes our hardships like Israel’s are a direct result of our sin and rebellion against God. Sometimes they are a simple result of living in a fallen world. How can we tell? What should we do if we find ourselves in a miserable situation like the one Israel is in under the Midianites? 4. The theme of God being with his people is pervasive through the Bible. When we face the prospect of failure, what difference should it make in our lives that God is with us? How can we know God is with us? 5. How can we support and encourage one another in overcoming fear of failure in our individual lives and in our collective journey as a church family?

We Will Remember

January 8, 2023 • Trent Casto • Psalm 78:1–8

Psalm 78 reminds the people of God of the importance of remembering God’s works and words and passing them on to the next generation. In this message, we will remember the mighty works of God at Covenant Church over the last 14 years so that we would trust him more and obey his good commands. Sermon Outline: I. We Must Remember 1. The Works of God 2. The Word of God II. So that We Trust III. So that We Obey Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. How has your understanding of God's mighty works changed or been strengthened through hearing about the history and growth of our church over the last fourteen years? 2. Why is remembering so essential to trusting? Why is trusting so fundamental for obeying? 3. Scan the rest of Psalm 78. When do the people of God get themselves into trouble? How can we avoid doing the same as a church? As individuals? 4. In what ways can reflecting on the successes and challenges of our church's history provide insight and guidance for making decisions and setting goals in the present and future?