
Week 6

The Life of Jesus

Main Point: Jesus loves friendship!

Memorize It: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Bible Reference: John 11:1-45

Talk about It: Today we talked about friendship! There is nothing like the fun and connection you have with your best friends. However, our friendships don’t always go exactly the way we imagine... Here’s the cool thing: Jesus valued His friends greatly! He was also sinless. Even though the death of His friend, Lazarus, brought sadness into His life, the whole story was able to glorify God greatly in the end! Talk to your kid(s) about how their friendships glorify and honor God!

Act it out: Are you ready to be brave, CovKids? This week, find one friend of yours that doesn’t know Jesus to be their Savior, their Hero, their Friend! Take a moment during recess, lunch, or a hang out to share who Jesus is. Choose your favorite story from The Life of Jesus series and share it with them! You may want to tell them that Jesus lives in your heart and is always with you! He loves friendship, and even helped his own friend come back to life! He is the way, the truth, and the life. Invite them to come to celebrate Easter with you next week here at Covenant Kids!

Week 1

Main Point: Jesus passed the test! Memorize It: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Bible Reference: Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 4:1-10 Talk about It: Today we learned about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry! Jesus was baptized by John and went into the desert for 40 days. There, He was tested greatly. The enemy schemed against Jesus so that He would give into temptation, but Jesus had solid ground to stand on: the word of God! Though His flesh was weakened, His spirit was strong! He was victorious and He passed the test! Talk with your kid(s) about a time when they chose to rely on the word of God, even when the easier way out seemed to be right in front of them. Act it out: CovKids, it’s time for you to pass the test! Write out three different challenges that you face every day. Use your bible to write down verses that will help you face each challenge. You may need encouragement to be a good friend to everyone, to be a great giver, or find joy and peace at all times! Whatever the challenge may be, God has a way to overcome it in His word. You can pass the test, too! Listen to: This is Living by Hillsong Young & Free City on a Hill by Covenant Kids Worship What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship

Week 2

Main Point: Jesus does miracles! Memorize It: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Bible Reference: John 2:1-11 Talk about It: Today we took a look at Jesus’ first miracle! While at a wedding in the village of Cana, Jesus’ mother prompted Him to help the hosts with their problem: they ran out of wine! Jesus was initially hesitant to step in because this would be his first miracle. He knew if He did this, everything was about to change! Sometimes we feel the most resistance inside when we’re about to step into something powerful, just like Jesus! Talk with your kid(s) about something they might feel hesitant or fearful about, but believe God is asking them to step out in! Encourage them. Pray with them. Believe with them that they serve a God who can do ANYTHING! Act it out: Mary knew that Jesus was capable of performing miracles. She believed in Him! However, she didn’t tell Jesus how to do this miracle. Instead, she trusted that He would know the way. This is still how God works today! He can do the miracle, so we can trust the way He does it. Pray with your family about something that requires a God-miracle! This may be for healing, provision, or a loved one’s salvation. Whatever it may be, pray for the miracle and trust God with the way! Listen to: This is Living by Hillsong Young & Free City on a Hill by Covenant Kids Worship What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship

Week 3

Main Point: Jesus is my anchor! Memorize It: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Bible Reference: Matthew 14:22-33 Talk about It: This week we talked about the story of Jesus walking on water. He walked right through the storm His disciples were experiencing. He even brought Peter out on the water to walk with Him. The storm raged until they were safely back in the boat. Jesus made the choice to join them in the storm and see them through it. Talk with your kid(s) about the difference between Jesus calming your storm from a safe distance versus Jesus walking right through your storm, seeing you through to the end! Which one sounds like God? How cool it is to worship a God who is walking with us through every storm?! Act it out: Pick a nice day this week and create a “storm” of your own! Grab your water guns, hoses, and bathing suits— get the whole family involved! As water flies everywhere, think about how Jesus chooses to jump in with you! He loves to be in the middle of your fun AND your trouble! He is your anchor when you feel storms raging all around you! Listen to: This is Living by Hillsong Young & Free City on a Hill by Covenant Kids Worship What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship