
Respectable Sins: Pride

Week 3

February 17, 2019 • Ryan Epps

The sin of pride is as subtle as it is dangerous. It’s easy to see in other people, but difficult to see in ourselves. It can be rooted out when we allow others to speak into our lives and we cultivate its biblical antidote, which is humility.

Respectable Sins: Gossip

February 3, 2019 • Ryan Epps

Whether in the workplace, at school, or social media, gossip is so commonplace, it is difficult to avoid. But change is possible with God’s enabling power. Let’s commit to watching our words.

Respectable Sins: Worry

February 10, 2019 • Ryan Epps

We tend to acknowledge worry is a weakness, but is it really a sin? Worry sabotages our relationship with God, and our peace of mind, because it is fueled by a lack of trust in God and His providence.

Respectable Sins: Judgementalism

February 24, 2019 • Ryan Epps

Judgmentalism is one of the most subtle respectable sins because it is often practiced under the guise of being zealous for what is right. But you can be right and still be wrong.