
Stewardship Reclaimed

From Fear to Trust

January 23, 2022 • Pastor Brian Long

What many people don’t realize is, how we manage our money is one of the most spiritual things about us. It indicates more poignantly than almost any other area of our life, where our trust and dependence lie.  Do we trust in our stuff, or do we trust in our Savior?  So far we have considered two stewardship reclamations: (1) From idolatry to an exclusive love of God, and (2) From craving what you don’t have to contentment with what God provides. Today, I want to look at a third transformation: From fear of economic times to an exclusive trust in God.

From Craving to Contentment

January 16, 2022 • Pastor Brian Long

Of all the reclamation projects that Jesus leads Christians through, often transforming how we manage our financial resources is perhaps the most difficult transformation we undergo. This week I want us to consider another aspect of the stewardship transformation that needs to occur in you and me if we’re going to be transformed into faithful, godly stewards:  From craving what is not possessed to contentment with what God provides.

From Idolatry to Exclusive Love for God

January 9, 2022 • Pastor Brian Long

Stewardship Transformations are some of the most difficult and most important transformations Christians are called to go through. Today, I want to talk about why that is, as well as cover one aspect of this transformation that the Bible addresses; that is, to become a faithful steward each of us needs to transform from idolatry to an exclusive love for God.