
Acts (Part 2 // 2023)

Storm, Shipwreck, & God's Plan Achieved

June 4, 2023 • Guest Speaker

Come hear from our guest speaker, Mike Mitchum, as we wrap up the book if Acts and see a story that demonstrates how God is carrying us through the storms of life as he works out His plan.

The Key

May 28, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

Our series in Acts is about ready to wrap up and this morning we’re looking at chapter 26 where we discover what the key is to the Christian faith and the gospel we proclaim.

Examples, Holiness, and Alertness

May 14, 2023 • Pastor Doug McNett

When we read the book of Acts, we are not reading a history book or a textbook; instead, God gave us His inspired Word to record for us in detail about who God is and what He expects of our lives. And this morning, we get to see the first and only address in the book of Acts from Paul directly to Christians, specifically to the leaders of the Church, about what our lives are to look like. 

Witnessing Gospel Impact

May 7, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Barber

Today, we are going to look at Acts 19:21-41 and see God uses his disciples to bless and transform communities and cultures through the power of the gospel.

Clearing Up Holy Spirit Confusion

April 30, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

 A second powerful lesson we’ve been learning is the reason the Church and her gospel is an unstoppable force. It’s because both are being driven forward by the power of the Holy Spirit! In our text today, Paul clears up some confusion about the Holy Spirit.

The God They Had Not Met

April 23, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Friends this is one of the most brilliant examples of sharing the gospel we have in the New Testament. He establishes common ground, zeros in on a problem they have by calling out the altar to the “unknown god.” The wording in Greek can mean simply ‘the god whom no one knows about,’ or ‘the god who has no name.’  Then he declares…I’m going to introduce you to the God you have not met yet!

Christ Centered Living

April 16, 2023 • Pastor Sam Parsons

So far, we have covered the first 15 chapters; a journey focused on spreading the gospel and opening the door of faith to a new group of people… the Gentiles. This highlighted the sovereignty of God not just over Jews but over the entire world, all people groups. Today we dive into Luke’s account of the second journey of the gospel's spread. In these remaining chapters, Luke doesn’t necessarily highlight God’s sovereignty but the Spirit’s in directing Paul and his companions into new geographical locations. 

Making Peace is Possible

April 2, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Odds are most of you listening to me here, or on-line right now are experiencing some sort of conflict in your lives. If you’re not experiencing conflict now, you’ve just worked through some, or there is some on the horizon.  And I want you to know…you’re not alone. Conflict is inevitable, even when you’re an Apostle of Jesus and doing everything God asks you to do. Conflict Happens.

Understanding the Heart of the Gospel

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Barber

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about one of the most powerful words in the English language. It’s the word “should.” Today, we are going to see what happened in the early church when one group of Christians start "shoulding" another group of Christians and how it all works out.

Sharing Jesus Brings Trials and Triumphs

March 19, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Now, as we fulfill our assignment as ambassadors taking Jesus to our friends, neighbors and nations, what should we expect will happen? 

Called & Empowered

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

We’re continuing in our Acts series this morning so make sure you have your Bibles open to chapter 13. Jesus said, in chapter 1, that His followers would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (v 8). That’s what we’re going to see today—faithful Jesus followers taking the good news to people who live far from them.

God’s Purposes Always Prevail

March 5, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Today our story in Acts 12 reminds us of some incredibly important news and some incredibly refreshing news that can counter the threatening sense that evil seems to rule the day. 

Unleashing the Giant

February 26, 2023 • Guest Speaker

Dr. John H. Morgan, Founder and President of People Prosper International, speaks about unleashing the global church to solve poverty, save souls, and change the world.

Godly Obedience

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Sam Parsons

If you recall the narrative from last week, we know what Cornelius’ family did. They heard about who Jesus was, and what he did and accepted the gift that Jesus provides. In the process of doing so, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This captured Peter’s attention “They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” But as we continue the narrative into Chapter 11, we learn that it not only captured the attention of Peter, but also the Jews scattered all throughout Judea.


February 12, 2023 • Pastor Sam Parsons

What we are going to learn from Acts chapter 10 is that the price Jesus paid includes more than Peter thought as he interacts with a guy named Cornelius.