
Walk in Him

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Doug McNett

Friends, we need to keep in front of us Paul’s central thought in this letter, the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ in our lives. Just as the Christians in Colossae were urged to walk in Jesus, deeply rooted and established in Him, so too we are called to live out our faith in a way that reflects the transformation that Christ has done in us.

Prayer and Presence

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Doug McNett

The freedom we have in Jesus is the driving force behind our devotion to prayer, our support for one another, and our wise and gracious interactions with the world. It liberates us to live out our faith authentically and boldly, making a profound impact on those around us. So, live in this freedom fully, allowing it to shape our prayers, our conduct, and our witness, as we live wisely, love deeply, and share boldly, reflecting the hope and glory of Christ in all we do.

Freedom at Home

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Brian Long

Today we take another step in our series in the book of Colossians that we’re calling “Freedom in Christ.” And I want you to know the freedom we’re referring to is in many ways the freedom to become a better person, the opportunity each of us has to grow, and change and morph into better versions of ourselves.

A Christ-Centered Life

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Doug McNett

In today's text, Paul is calling on believers to a life of wholehearted devotion and obedience to Jesus Christ. He is not content with a half-hearted effort. Whether it’s from the mundane to the significant, whatever we do, we do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, living with a Jesus-centered perspective and offering everything we do as an act of worship and thanksgiving.