
Always Be Reminded of the Gospel

To My Friend Who Left The Faith Wk2

September 17, 2023 • Justin Bradley • 1 Corinthians 15:1–11

Grace In = Grace Out

October 1, 2023 • Joe Shepherd • Matthew 18:21–35, John 13:31–35

Why are there so many hypocrites in the church? How come they serve a God that is good yet they cause so much hurt and pain, for those in the church, those that have left and those that are outside. Is the church a hospital where the sick and broken find healing or is it a place where the sick just stay sick but we feel better about being sick because were at church and have "forgiveness". The church is called to be a conduit of God's characteristics not a filter. Where we willingly accept God's love mercy, grace and forgiveness, but we only give it to others once it has been filtered through our humanity. We are called to give to others the things that we received from God, exactly the way that we received them. Matt 18:21-35

The Problem of Evil and The Invisible God

September 24, 2023 • Joe Shepherd • 1 Peter 3:15

This is a question that has been asked for centuries. "How can I believe in a God that claims to be good when there are so many bad things happening to good people?" We hear this question a lot and over the past couple thousand years it has been answered many times but we only every hear about the question. Why? What adds to this questioning is that I am supposed to believe all of these things about God but how can I believe in a God that I cannot see? This all feels impossible and hard to grasp, but when we see what Scripture says about it our faith has legs to stand on and can be so enriched by a God that has made himself known.

Be the Prodigal Father not the Prodigal Brother

September 10, 2023 • Joe Shepherd • Luke 14, Luke 15