
05. Bible: The Depth of God’s Word

“Whenever we open the Bible, our posture towards it must be examined. For as much as we have come to

September 18, 2017

As we look at the depth of God's Word, we can take one of two approaches. One approach is to look at the Bible in all of its complexities and stand in awe of it. It contains 66 different books, written by 40 different authors, in 3 different languages, spanning 3 different continents, with genres ranging from poetry and wisdom literature, to historical narrative and epistles, and having it all coming together to produce this unified book. The other approach has to do not with how deep the Bible is from an origins standpoint, but how deep the Bible gets to the core of who we are as humans. It reveals our sins, our motivations, and leaves us vulnerable before God, leaving space for Jesus to come and be our Savior. How often we forego our joy in Christ by choosing the first over the second.

Application Questions

1. If God is after the depths of who we are, why do we often run from the depths of who we are?
2. When exposed, how has the reality of Jesus being your High Priest brought you to a place of security and peace?
3. In what ways practically are you“holding fast your confession” in Jesus?

01. The Easy Burden of Following Jesus

April 24, 2017

Jesus explicitly calls his followers to take up their cross and follow him. But just one chapter later, in Matthew's recording of the events, he tells his disciples that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. How can these both be true? How can the radical call of Christ be an easy joy? It's only when we have ordered our loves the way God designed them to be ordered that these two disparate statements can begin to make any sense. Application Questions 1. In what ways are your loves disordered? What do you tend to cherish more than Christ? 2. In what ways do you find the radical call to follow Christ a heavy burden? What loves make that burden heavy? 3. What's one time in your life when you found the yoke of Christ light and easy? 4. How can you practically rest in Christ this week in a way that will lighten your burden?

37. Walking the Discipleship Pathway

June 10, 2018

As we finish a long series on the Discipleship Pathway, we want to make sure we don't leave it behind. The length of the series reflects how useful it can be to understand the basic Christian life and to help you live it. Reflecting on Paul's encouragement to the Colossian church to walk in Jesus Christ, this sermon explores how to use the Discipleship Pathway to help you do just that. What's more, it points you to the person that is more important than any pathway: Jesus Christ our Lord. When we use the pathway well, it points us to Him and His glory. Application Questions 1. Are there ways that you“lose the plot” in your daily life? How do you handle it? 2. Are there ways that the Discipleship Pathway can be useful in the day to day moments of your life to help you recapture the plot? 3. How can the pathway point you towards the person of Jesus, his gospel, and his glory?

01. Discipleship Pathway: Following Jesus

August 21, 2017

It's easy to be overwhelmed by the different ways to live out the Christian faith. Many people lose the forest for the trees and end up frustrated or discouraged when they can't wrap their arms around everything at once. Jesus brings us help: the greatest commandment, which helps us see all the commands of Scripture as trees in the forests of loving God and loving others. As we look closer, we find a way to see the Christian life as a journey of loving God and loving others, all because of the gospel, and all leading us to become more like Christ. Application Questions 1. How do you handle all the different things you're told to do in sermons, Bible reading, and more? How can Jesus'words in the greatest commandment and the discipleship pathway help? 2.Which categories on the discipleship pathway (Bible, prayer, heart work, community, mission, and calling) do you tend to emphasize in your life? Which do you tend to neglect? 3.Are you motivated more by your acceptance in Jesus or by your desire to be a good person on your own? How have you seen that affect your life? 4. What are your goals for your life as a Christian? How do those goals relate to becoming more like Christ?