
1. The Bridegroom

Jesus is the true Bridegroom come for his people.

January 28, 2024 • Brian Colmery • John 2:1–11

What can we learn from Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding? John tells us that it is a sign, pointing to a greater reality about who Jesus is and what he came to do. This sign shows us that Jesus is the true bridegroom, come to bring joy at a great price, drawing near to those he loves.

Application Questions: 

1. What can we learn from the connections between the major themes of this passage (wedding, water, wine, marriage) and other parts of scripture? 

2. What role does joy play in Christianity and the Christian life? 

3. How might Jesus’ love for you as the true Bridegroom shape what you are facing this week?

More from Knowing Jesus

8. The True Vine

March 24, 2024 • Scott Mehl • John 15:1–11

Jesus famously calls us to "abide" with him as a branch abides in a vine. But what does that mean? What does it practically look like to live a life of abiding? And how do we know if we're abiding or not?  Application Questions:  1. How has the gospel already given you a vital connection with Christ? 2. How does your relationship with your phone (or the internet) inform what it might mean to live a life of "abiding"? 3. What evidence of abiding do you see in your life? 4. What evidence of abiding do you see in the lives of the Christians around you? Share these with them. 5. How have you seen a life of obedience be the life of greatest joy?

7. The Way, Truth, and Life

March 17, 2024 • Matt Kleinhans • John 14:1–7

Everyone is searching for meaning, and purpose, and abundant life. Jesus makes it clear that the only way to the life we were created for is through Him. He is the way. He is the truth. He is the life. Application Questions:  1. What answers are you looking for from God that He doesn't promise to give you? 2. What promises can you cling to instead? 3. How does Christ being the "way" speak into your hopes and dreams? 4. How does Christ being "the truth" relate to Him being "the Light of the World"? 5. What life does Christ offer? Are you embracing the abundant life offered in Him?

6. The Good Shepherd

March 10, 2024 • Brian Colmery • John 10:1–18

People in Los Angeles aren’t very familiar with sheep, but Jesus compares himself to a shepherd to help us understand who he wants to be in our lives. Shepherds know their sheep, love their sheep, and lead their sheep. When Jesus is your good shepherd you will follow him more closely than anything else.  Application Questions:  1. Jesus knows you even better than a shepherd knows his sheep. How might that encourage you this week? 2. How does Jesus laying down his life for you touch down in the things you are dealing with in your life right now? 3. Where do you think Jesus is calling you to follow him right now?