
17. Part I God is Love

You are not a cup that needs to be filled with love, you are a conduit that God has called to delive

August 22, 2021 • Scott Mehl • 1 John 4:7–12

God is love.  He defines and perfectly demonstrates love.  And while God's love was demonstrated most radically through the cross, the cross did not mark the end of the pouring out of God's love.  His love pours out uniquely in each generation and is being poured out uniquely today.

Application Questions:

How can you take time this week to meditate on the reality of God's trinitarian love?

How can you take time this week to meditate on the reality and significance of the cross?

How would your love for others look different if you saw it less as a Spirit-empowered duty and more as a manifestation of God's love to the world?

Who can you love more sincerely and practically this week?  What might that look like?